User Manual

We can provide serial port apk and NFC demo. Pls contact our Sales for details.
1. Pls also see the software setting for serial port
two serial ports are available on the device :
One shares the the USB data pins of the mini A/B USB connector.
Only TX and RX pins are available, voltage is TTL 3.3V.
One is on the Pogopin interface (pins 3, 5, 6 and 7).
TX, RX CTS and RTS are available, voltage is RS232 3.3V.
On the software side, the tty devices corresponding to these ports are :
for the RS232 port, /dev/user_external_tty
for the TTL port, /dev/user_tty
In addition, one I²Cport is available both on the USB and (Pogopin) connectors.
The I²C interface is accessible through /dev/user_i2c
2. If your application want to read the ignition state, pls use below API.
The 12V input is reported to the application as a key press (high level pressed, low level depressed)
in the java Android API, this key is KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TV_INPUT
A second way to access the ignition state is to register a broadcast receiver for
the action "hk.topicon.intent.action.IGNITION"
The current ignition status is given by the extra boolean "state".
This intent is sticky, ie the application will be immediately notied of the current status at registration,
even if no transition occurred.
Here is a code sniplet :
private static nal String ACTION_IGNITION = "hk.topicon.intent.action.IGNITION";
private BroadcastReceiver mIgnitionReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
boolean state = intent.getBooleanExtra("state", false);
Log.d(TAG, "ignition event is on");
Log.d(TAG, "ignition event is o");