User Guide

Topodome Quick Installation Guide QIG-En-V1.0
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3.4 Wireless Connection Setup via Browser
1. Click the menu Settings on the top of the live view
window, go to the option Network-->Wireless, first
select Enable Wireless, then click the search button,
all WiFi names around the camera will be displayed,
please choose the WiFi name you want to connect and
input the login password of WiFi.
2. The wireless login password needs to be entered twice.
You can click the Check button to check whether the
password is correct, and then click Apply to complete
the wireless settings.
3. After finishing wireless setup, you need to close the
browser, and then unplug the network cable and wait
for around 30 seconds to get the camera re-connect to
Wi-Fi network.
4. Refresh the Search Tool to wait the camera shows up
again on the window (The IP address of wireless is
different from wired connection). Login the camera
again with a new IP address, now you have completed
wireless settings successfully and try to unplug the
Ethernet cable for testing Wi-Fi connection.