Operator's Manual

(Fig. 76)
The hydraulic oil filter keeps the hydraulic system
relatively free of contaminants. However, the hydraulic
oil filter must be serviced at regular intervals. The
intervals are: initially, after the first 8 hours of operation,
and thereafter every 200 hours of operation or yearly,
whichever comes first. Use a genuine TORO oil filter for
1. Remove hydraulic oil filter from mounting head.
Use bottom type filter wrench. Dispose of filter
2. Apply a film of oil on the gasket. Install filter by hand
until gasket contacts mounting head; then tighten filter
an additional 3/4 turn.
3. Start engine and check for oil leaks. Allow engine
to run for about 2 minutes so any air in system is
purged. Then shut engine off.
4. Check level of oil in reservoir; refer to Check
Hydraulic System Fluid.
After every 400 hours of operation, change oil in the
front axle.
Drive machine around for five minutes before changing
oil to warm axle oil. Warm oil flows more freely and
carries more contaminants than cold oil.
Clean area around drain plug and place a drain pan
below drain plug on axle.
Figure 78
1. Drain plug
2. Fill plug
Remove drain plug and allow oil to flow into drain pan .
After oil is drained, reinstall drain plug.
Remove fill plug and fill to plug level with ISO 150/220
(SAE EPĆ90) oil (approximately 44 oz.).
(Fig. 79)
Make sure belts are properly tensioned to assure
proper operation of the machine and prevent
unnecessary wear. Check all belts midway in span of
belt. Check belts frequently.
1. The cutting unit drive belts should have a
maximum deflection of 1/2 inch with a 10 pound load
2. Loosen jam nut on front end of belt tension rod.
Rotate rod to lengthen or shorten rod to desired length.
Tighten jam nut.
Figure 79
1. Belt tension rod
1. Battery electrolyte level must be properly
maintained and the top of the battery kept clean. If the
Grounds Pro 2000 is stored in a location where
temperatures are extremely high, the battery will run
down more rapidly than if the machine is stored in a
location where temperatures are cool.
Since the gasses from the battery and the
gasoline fumes are explosive, keep open
flame and electrical spark away from the
area; do not smoke.
2. Check the electrolyte level every 25 operating
hours or, if machine is in storage, every 30 days.
3. Maintain cell level with distilled or demineralized
water. Do not fill cells above the bottom of the split ring
inside each cell.
4. Keep top of battery clean by washing periodically
with a brush dipped in ammonia or bicarbonate of soda
solution. Flush the top surface with water after
cleaning. Do not remove the fill caps while cleaning.
5. Battery cables must be tight on terminals to
provide good electrical contact.