Operator's Manual

7.&2 &30/.3*#*,*4*&3
As the Product owner, you are responsible for required
maintenance and adjustments stated in your Owner's
Manual. Failure to perform required maintenance and
adjustments can be grounds for disallowing a warranty
.3425$4*/.3 '/2 #4"*.*.( "22".49 &26*$&
You are responsible for notifying the Commercial Products
Distributoror Authorized Commercial Products Dealer from
whom you purchased the Product as soon as you believe a
warrantable condition exists.
If you need help locating a Commercial Products
Distributor or Authorized Dealer, or if you have questions
regarding your warranty rights or responsibilities, you may
contact us at:
Toro Commercial Products Service Department
8111 Lyndale Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN, 55420-1196
Telephone: (612) 888-8801
Facsimile: (612) 887-8258
E-Mail: Commercial.Service@Toro.Com
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Parts scheduled for replacement as required maintenance
(Maintenance Parts"), are warranted for the period of time
up to the scheduled replacement time for that part.
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Not all product failures or malfunctions that occur during
the warranty period are defects in materials or
workmanship. The items / conditions listed below are not
covered by this warranty:
D Product failures which result from the use of non-Toro
replacement parts, or from installation and use of
add-on, modified, or unapproved accessories are not
D Product failures which result from failure to perform
required maintenance and/or adjustments are not
D Product failures which result from operating the Product
in an abusive, negligent or reckless manner are not
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D This warranty does not apply to parts subject to
consumption through use unless found to be defective.
Examples of parts which are consumed, or used up,
during normal Product operation include, but are not
limited to, blades, reels, bedknives, tines, spark plugs,
castor wheels, tires, filters, belts, etc.
D This warranty does not apply to failures caused by
outside influence. Items considered to be outside
influence include, but are not limited to, weather, storage
practices, contamination, use of unapproved coolants,
lubricants, additives, or chemicals, etc.
D This warranty does not apply to normal wear and tear"
items. Normal Wear and Tear" includes, but is not
limited to, damage to seats due to wear or abrasion,
worn painted surfaces, scratched decals or windows,
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The above remedy of product defects through repair by an
authorized distributor or dealer is the purchaser's sole
remedy for any defect. This warranty gives you specific
legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary
from state to state.
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Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied
warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
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4)& 2/%5$4 *.$,5%*.( ".9 $/34 /2 &80&.3& /' 02/6*%*.(
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Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or
consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not
apply to you.
/4& 4/ ",*'/2.*" 2&3*%&.43 The Emissions Control
System on your Product may be covered by a separate
warranty meeting requirements established by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), or the California
Air Resources Board (CARB). The hour limitations set forth
above do not apply to the Emissions Control System
Warranty. Refer to the California Emission Control Warranty
Statement printed in your Owner's Manual or contained in
the engine manufacturer's documentation for details.
)& /2/ /--&2$*", 2/%5$43 7/ !&"2 *-*4&% "22".49