Operator's Manual

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Daily And Before Use continued
Check towing eye: Inspect the towing eye for
wear. Replace the towing eye when worn to ¾ of
its original thickness. Lubricating the towing eye
may extend the life of the eye.
Lubricate the P.T.O shaft: Remove the P.T.O.
shaft connection from tractor and withdraw the
telescoping shaft to expose the grease nipple
through the inner guard aperture. Apply a gener-
ous amount of grease of the correct grade, refer
to SPECIFICATIONS. Reconnect to the tractor
P.T.O. and ensure that the release pin is correctly
located. Grease the P.T.O. universal joints. Take
care not to over grease otherwise damage to the
seals may result.
essential that the P.T.O. shaft is greased at least
every 8 hours of work otherwise serious wear
and subsequent damage to the shaft and gear-
box may result.
Check lighting equipment: Inspect the electric
cable assembly and lights for signs of damage
and replace damaged components. Ensure that the
lights operate correctly.
Check electrical equipment: Inspect the electric
cable assemblies, remote control unit and lights for
signs of damage and replace damaged components.
Ensure that the electrical controls and lights operate
Every 50 Hours
Perform routine checks: Refer to DAILY BE-
Check cutterhead roller bearing adjustment:
Important: Prevent Damage - It is essential that
the cutterhead roller bearings are kept in good
adjustment in order to ensure maximum
working life. If roller end oat is allowed to
become excessive, premature bearing failure will
Grip the roller and move from side to side and
up and down. If excessive movement is detected
proceed as follows:
Carefully tighten nuts ‘A at each end of the roller
with the spanner provided, just sufciently to
remove any end oat.