Operator's Manual

1.71 1.71
Cutterhead Back Lapping continued
9. If further backlapping is necessary repeat steps
3 to 8.
10. Thoroughly remove and wash off all traces of
the carborundum paste from the cylinders and
bottom blades.
11. Move the control lever to the ‘Normal
As the backlap control lever is moved towards the
‘Normal Operation’ position the backlap control
lock will be pushed outwards. When the backlap
control lever reaches the ‘Normal Operation’ posi-
tion the backlap control lock should spring back,
locking the control lever in position.
It will be necessary to carry out a grinding opera-
tion to correct cylinder spiral edges or bottom blade
edges which have become excessively rounded
or distorted. Bottom blades which are nearing the
end of their wear life should be replaced and these
should be ground on their holders prior to tting,
When grinding operations are necessary it is es-
sential that both cylinders and bottom blades are
ground at the same time. The only exception to this
rule is when a new cylinder is tted in which case
it is only necessary to grind the bottom blade. All
such grinding operations should be carried out by
your dealer on a quality, well maintained cylinder /
bottom blade grinding machine.
Bottom Blade Replacement
Remove the bottom blade holder by removing the
three xing bolts at each end and withdraw from
the cutterhead. Remove the worn bottom blade
and discard the countersunk screws and securing
nuts. Fit the new blade to the holder and loosely
assemble with new countersunk screws and secur-
ing nuts. Tighten the centre bolts to a torque of 40
Nm. Continue by tightening the remaining bolts
to the same torque by working from the centre out
towards the blade ends.