Operator's Manual

1.76 1.76
Cylinder ‘knocks’ while
High spot on cylinder or bottom blade due
to contact with foreign object
Remove high spot with a stone and back lap
to restore cutting edges. Serious damage will
require re grinding
Worn cylinder bearings Replace as necessary
One cylinder rotates
Cutting cylinder bearing seized Replace as necessary
Incorrect rotation motor tted Check motor and replace if necessary
Diverter valve only partly open Free off and lubricate or replace diverter
valve as necessary
Motor integral check valve jammed open Have check valve cleaned and checked
Cutting cylinder tight on the bottom blade Re adjust setting
Cutterhead fails to lift out
of work
Lift cylinder seal failure Replace seals
Pressure relief valve jammed open or
wrongly set
Have relief valve cleaned and pressure
checked. Consult your authorised dealer
Defective control valve Overhaul control valve
Mechanical blockage Remove blockage
Cutterheads do not follow
ground contours
Incorrect hose routing or incorrect
orientation of hydraulic ttings
Move cutterheads throughout extremes of
movement and observe any tightness in the
hoses. Correctly route hoses and orientate
ttings as necessary
Tightness in pivots Free off and grease as necessary
Control levers in ‘Neutral’ position Move the control levers to the ‘Down / Cut’
Cutterheads fail to start
up when lowered into
Low oil level Fill hydraulic oil reservoir to correct level
Diverter valve jammed Free off and lubricate diverter valve as
Pressure relief valve jammed open or
wrongly set
Have relief valve cleaned and pressure
checked. Consult your dealer
Cutting cylinder jammed Free off as necessary
Cutting cylinder tight on bottom blade Re adjust setting
Cutterhead control valve in the ‘off position
caused by:
- Hydraulic pressure in the override lift
Operate the override control lever to the
‘Down / Cut’ position
- Back lap control lever not locked in the
‘normal operation’ position
Lock the back lap control lever in the ‘nor-
mal operation’ position
- Mechanical failure of the back lap control
valve or its operating mechanism
Replace or repair as necessary
Hoses wrongly connected Check hydraulic circuit and reconnect as