Operator's Manual

1.58 1.58
Cutterhead Grinding
It will be necessary to carry out a grinding operation to correct cylinder spiral edges or bottom blade edges
which have become excessively rounded or distorted. Bottom blades which are nearing the end of their wear
life should be replaced. The new blades should be ground on their holders prior to tting, refer to
CUTTERHEAD BOTTOM BLADE REPLACEMENT. When grinding operations are necessary it is
essential that both cylinders and bottom blades are ground at the same time. The only exception to this rule is
when a new cylinder is tted in which case it is only necessary to grind the bottom blade. All such
grinding operations should be carried out by your authorised dealer on a quality, well maintained cylinder/
bottom blade grinding machine.
Cutterhead Bottom Blade Replacement
Remove the bottom blade holder by removing the three xing bolts at each end and withdraw from the
cutterhead. Remove the worn bottom blade and discard the countersunk screws and securing nuts. Fit the new
blade to the holder and loosely assemble with new countersunk screws and securing nuts. Tighten the centre
bolts to a torque of 40Nm (30 lbf.ft). Continue by tightening the remaining bolts to the same torque by
working from the centre out towards the blade ends.
The new bottom blade must be ground on its holder prior to retting to the cutterhead.
Adjust the cutting cylinder position to give adequate clearance for tting the new bottom blade holder. Ret
the bottom blade holder assembly to the cutterhead using the original xing bolts and tighten to a torque of
35Nm (26 lbf.ft). Finally adjust the cylinder to the bottom blade, refer to CUTTERHEAD CYLINDER TO
Raising The Mower Off The Ground
Before raising the mower ensure that:
- The lifting device to be used is in good
condition and capable of supporting the
weight of the mower securely. Minimum lift
capacity 2000 Kg (2 Tons).
- The mower is on level ground.
- The parking brake is applied.
- The engine is switched off and the ignition
key removed.
- The ground under the lifting device is level
and rm.
- The lifting device is secure against one of the
mowers lifting points.
- If raising the front of the mower, both of the
rear wheels must be chocked securely to
prevent the mower rolling away. Note that
the parking brake only operates on the front
WARNING: PREVENT ACCIDENTS - When the mower is raised off the ground:
- NEVER crawl under the mower.
- NEVER start the engine.
1. Front left hand lifting point
2. Front right hand lifting point
3. Rear towing eye and lifting point
4. Front towing eye