Operator's Manual

1.9 1.9
Do not operate the engine in a conned space where dangerous carbon monoxide fumes can collect.
Mow only in daylight or in good articial light.
Before attempting to start the engine, engage the parking brake, disengage the cutterhead drive system and
ensure that the forward/reverse speed controls are in the neutral position.
Never operate the machine without rst checking that the operator platform latching mechanism is fully
engaged and in good working order, refer to OPERATOR PLATFORM LATCHING MECHANISM.
Stored energy devices are charged when the outer wing units are in transport position. Always operate the
relevant lift controls to provide hydraulic support for the wing units suspensions before attempting to release
the transport latches.
Do not use on a slope of more than 16 degrees. Care should be taken when using the mower on any slope
where ground conditions are such that there may be a risk of the mower rolling over. The requirements of
89/355/EEC, as amended by 95/63/EEC ‘Provision and Use of Work Equipment Directive’ should be
Stability angles given are maximum gures for a machine equipped with a R.O.P.S and are for guidance only.
Particular conditions such as wet grass or uneven ground may not permit safe operation on the slope limits
Remember there is no such thing as a ‘safe’ slope. Travel on grass slopes requires particular care. To guard
against overturning or loss of traction when travelling or mowing on a slope:
- Exercise extreme care when changing direction on a slope.
- Do not stop or start suddenly.
- Engage drive slowly.
- Keep machine speed low.
- Avoid tight turns.
- Stay alert for humps, hollows and other hidden hazards.
- Keep away from sharp inclines and steep drops.
- A thorough risk assessment should be carried out by a competent
person before travelling or mowing on a slope.
Never park on a slope.
Ground level
16 Degree slope
Fig 1