Service Manual

Table Of Contents
Greensmaster Flex 18/21 Page 7 – 19 Cutting Unit
2. If tool TOR4105 is not available, install seals and
bearings with installation washers and spacers (see
Special Tools) as follows:
NOTE: If bearing lock nuts are being replaced, use
original lock nuts for assembly purposes, if possible.
This will preserve the patch lock feature in the new
lock nuts. Use the new nuts only after new bearings
and seals have been installed.
A. Position a new bearing, black assembly washer
(see Special Tools) and original lock nut onto each
end of the roller shaft (Fig. 25).
B. Tighten nuts until the bearings are seated into
each end of the roller. Remove nut and black assem-
bly washer from each end of the roller.
IMPORTANT: Failure to grease bearing lock nut
before seal installation may cause seal damage.
C. Apply a coating of grease to bearing lock nut
shoulder surface to prevent seal damage during seal
installation (Fig. 26).
D. Carefully install seals onto bearing lock nuts.
Pack the back of the seal 75 to 90% full with #2
grease (Fig. 26).
E. Install a nut with seal onto each end of the roller
shaft. Tighten nuts until they bottom against bearings
(Fig. 27). Remove nuts from roller shaft.
F. Position an assembly spacer and yellow assem-
bly washer (see Special Tools) on each end of roller
shaft (Fig. 28). Thread nut onto each end of shaft.
G. Tighten each nut until the yellow assembly wash-
ers bottom out against the roller housing. Remove
nuts, assembly washers and assembly spacers from
roller shaft.
3. If tool TOR4105 (see Special Tools) is available,
install seals and bearings with tool TOR4105 as follows:
A. Position a new bearing and tool TOR4105 onto
each end of the roller shaft.
B. Tighten tools until the bearings are fully seated
into each end of the roller. Remove tool from each
end of the roller.
IMPORTANT: Failure to grease tool shoulder be-
fore seal installation may result in seal damage.
C. Apply a coating of grease to tool shoulder to pre-
vent seal damage during seal installation.
D. Carefully install seal onto each of the tools. Pack
the back of the seal 75 to 90% full with #2 grease
(Fig. 26).
E. Install tool (with seal installed) onto each end of
the roller shaft. Tighten each tool until the tool shoul-
der bottoms out against the roller housing. Remove
tools from roller shaft.
4. Lubricate lips of installed seals with #2 grease.
5. Insert a v–ring seal onto each bearing lock nut with
the thick shoulder of the v–ring seal toward the lock nut
(Fig. 24).
NOTE: If original bearing lock nut(s) are being used,
apply Loctite #242 (or equivalent) to threads of lock
6. Install bearing lock nut with v–ring onto each end of
the roller shaft. Torque lock nuts from 25 to 30 ft–lb (34
to 41 N–m).
1. Bearing lock nut
2. Seal
3. Grease nut surface
4. Pack with grease
Figure 26
1. Bearing lock nut 2. Seal
Figure 27
1. Bearing lock nut
2. Yellow assembly washer
3. Assembly spacer
4. Seal
Figure 28
Cutting Unit