Operator's Manual

  
* . $4$0 (FIg. 14) - Move lever downward to
engaged position and upward for disengaged
position. Move lever to upward position when
transporting machine.
$$* $4$0 (FIg. 14) - Push lever forward to raise flex
tip reel. To lower flex reel, push lever forward until catch
releases, then push to rear until lever hits STOP. Move
lever to raised position when sweeper is not in
operation, when storing machine or when transporting
(&30$ 
 * . *$4$0
 $$* *$4$0
*32"'  ,#*$ -#$*  -,*6 (FIg. 15) - The
clutch handle is located on the clutch housing. Push
outward on clutch handle to engage and inward to
 -4$ 15$$.$0 1 /3(")*6 1 .-11(!*$
%2$0 *-5$0(,& 0$$* *$4$0 ,# $,& &(,& "*32"' *$4$0
2- .0$4$,2 230% # + &$
(&30$ 
 *32"' ' ,#*$
'-)$ -,20-* -#$*  -,*6 (Fig. 16) - To
start a cold engine, close carburetor choke by pulling
choke control outward to the CLOSED" position. After
engine starts, regulate choke to keep engine running
smoothly. As soon as possible, open the choke by
pushing inward to the OPEN" position. Starting a
warm engine requires little or no choking.
&,(2(-, 5(2"' -#$*  -,*6 (Fig. 16) - The
ignition switch, which is used to start and stop the
engine, has three positions: OFF, RUN and START.
Rotate key clockwise Ċ START position Ċ to engage
starter motor. Release key when engine starts. The key
will move automatically to the ON position. To shut
engine off, rotate key counterclockwise to the OFF
(&30$ 
 '-)$ "-,20-*
 &,(2(-, 15(2"'
 '0-22*$ "-,20-*
'0-22*$ -,20-* -#$*  -,*6 (Fig. 16) -
Throttle is used to operate engine at various speeds.
Rotating throttle clockwise increases engine speed Ċ
FAST; counterclockwise decreases engine speed Ċ
(*& 2$  2"' -.$ (Fig. 17) - Pull rope to unlatch
tailgate when emptying hopper.
(&30$ 
 (*& 2$ * 2"' 0-.$
  ") ' ,#*$