Operator's Manual

#    
1'(.  10.9
To ensure proper cooling, make sure the grass screen,
cooling fins and other external surfaces of the engine
are kept clean at all times.
Every 100 hours of operation (more often under
extremely dusty, dirty conditions) remove the blower
housing and other cooling shrouds and clean the
cooling fins and external surfaces as necessary. Make
sure cooling shrouds are reinstalled.
! Operating the engine with a blocked grass
screen, dirty or plugged cooling fins or cooling shrouds
removed, will cause engine damage due to
 " !
1'(.  10.9 ,* 
Replace fuel filter after every 600 hours of operation.
 Place a clean container under fuel filter.
 Remove clamps securing fuel filter to fuel lines.
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 Install new fuel filter to fuel lines with clamps
previously removed. Filter to be mounted so arrow
points toward carburetor.
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1'(.  10.9 ,* 
Clutch housing oil should be changed annually, or
every 800 hours of operation, whichever comes first.
 Place a drain pan under drain plug at bottom of
 Remove drain plug at bottom of housing and
remove filler plug.
! Warm oil flows better and carries more
contaminants than cold oil.
 Allow all oil to drain out.
 Replace drain plug.
 Remove filler/breather plug from top of clutch
 Remove oil level plug on side of clutch housing.
 Add enough oil to clutch housing until it drips out
overflow hole.
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 Reinstall plugs.
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1'(.  10.9 ,* 
A properly adjusted clutch will require 60-72 pounds
of force applied to clutch handle, 8 inches above clutch
lever pivot shaft. To adjust clutch proceed as follows:
 Remove clutch cover plate.
 Turn adjusting ring clockwise until proper
adjustment is attained.
 Install cover plate.
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