Service Manual

Workman GTX Gasoline Page 5 21 Electrical System
Starter/Generator & Voltage Regulator
1. Park vehicle on a level surface, stop engine and en-
gage parking brake. Place vehicle shift lever in the NEU-
TRAL position.
2. To access electrical components:
A. Remove seat base assembly with attached seats
from vehicle.
B. Raise cargo bed and secure with prop rod.
C. Remove rear frame panel cover from rear frame
(see Rear Frame Panel Cover in the General Infor-
mation section of this chapter).
3. Make sure all wires at charging circuit components
(battery, starter/generator, start/run solenoid and volt-
age regulator) are connected correctly and tightly.
4. Make sure the battery is fully charged. Operate the
vehicle for several minutes so the voltage regulator is
warmed up. Stop engine and turn key switch to OFF.
5. Test charging circuit:
A. Set multimeter to VDC. Connect red (+) multime-
ter probe to the positive (+) battery post. Connect
black () multimeter probe to the negative () battery
B. Start and run the engine at midrange RPM.
C. Battery voltage should increase to approximately
14.5 VDC identifying a correctly operating charging
circuit. If the battery has a low charge, this may take a
few minutes of running.
D. Stop engine and turn key switch to OFF.
E. Disconnect multimeter probes from battery
6. If battery voltage increased to 14.5 VDC during
charging circuit test, the charging system is working cor-
rectly and no further testing is required.
7. If battery voltage did not increase to 14.5 VDC, test
A. Disconnect wire harness connector from starter/
generator terminal DF (Fig. 26). Cover the harness
connector to prevent it from accidentally grounding
during testing.
B. Use a jumper lead to connect starter/generator
terminal DF with a known good ground.
C. Set multimeter to VDC. Connect red (+) multime-
ter probe to the positive (+) battery post. Connect
black () multimeter probe to the negative () battery
IMPORTANT: Run engine only long enough to
get battery voltage reading and not for more than
fifteen (15) seconds.
D. Start and run engine at midrange RPM.
E. Battery voltage should rise steadily to approxi-
mately 18 VDC identifying a correctly operating start-
er/generator. A low reading indicates the need for
starter/generator repair.
F. Stop engine and turn key switch to OFF.
G. Disconnect jumper wire and reconnect wire har-
ness connector onto starter/generator terminal DF.
Secure connector onto terminal DF with nut and
torque from 15 to 19 inlb (1.7 to 2.2 Nm).
Figure 26
1. Terminal A1
2. Terminal A2
3. Terminal F1
4. Terminal DF
5. Terminal F2