Operator's Manual

Before Operating
Figure 2
1. Dip stick 2. Filler cap
3. Remove the filler cap and pour oil into the filler neck
until the level is at the FULL mark on the dipstick.
The engine uses any high-quality oil having the
American Petroleum Institute—API- “service classifi-
cation” SF. Oil viscosity—weight —must be selected
according to ambient temperature. Temperature/ vis-
cosity recommendations are:
A. Above +32
F (0° C)—Use SAE 30, and if it is
not available, 10W-30 or 10W-40 are acceptable
B. Below +32
F (0° C)—Use SAE 5W-20 or 5W-
30, and if they are not available. 10W30 or
10W-40 are acceptable substitutes.
IMPORTANT: Check the oil level every eight (8)
operating hours or daily. Initially, change the oil
after the first 8 hours of operation; thereafter,
under normal conditions, change the oil after each
50 hours of operation and the filter after every 100
hours of operation. However, change the oil more
frequently when the engine is operated in extreme-
ly dusty or dirty conditions, under heavy load or
in high ambient temperatures.
This engine is certified to operate on unleaded gasoline.
Use clean, fresh, unleaded gasoline with a minimum of 85
octane. Do not mix oil with gasoline. Purchase fuel in
quantity that can be used within 30 days to assure fuel
freshness. Use Briggs & Stratton Gasoline Additive (See
your authorized Briggs & Stratton Service Dealer for Part
No. 5041 or the single-use pouch.)
In countries other than the U.S.A., leaded gasoline may
be used if it is commercially available and unleaded is
Note: Some fuels called oxygenated or reformulated
gasolines, are gasoline blended with alcohols or ethers.
Excessive amounts of these blends can damage the fuel
system or cause performance problems. Do not use
gasoline which contains Methanol. If any undesirable
operating symptoms occur, use gasoline with a lower
percentage of alcohol or ether.
1. Remove the cap from the fuel tank (Fig. 2) and fill
the 4.5 gallon tank to within 1 inch from the top with
unleaded gasoline. Install the fuel tank cap tightly.
Because gasoline is flammable, use caution when
storing or handling it. Do not fill the fuel tank
while the engine is running, hot or when the
machine is in an enclosed area. Vapors may build
up and be ignited by a spark or flame source many
feet away. DO NOT SMOKE while filling the fuel
tank to prevent the possibility of an explosion.
Always fill the fuel tank outside and wipe up any
spilled gasoline before starting the engine. Use a
funnel or spout to prevent spilling gasoline before
starting the engine and fill the tank to about 1 inch
(25 mm) below the filler neck. Store gasoline in a
clean safety-approved container and keep the cap in
place on the container. Keep gasoline in a cool,
well-ventilated place; never in an enclosed area such
as a hot storage shed. To assure volatility, do not
buy more than a 30-day supply of gasoline.
Gasoline is a fuel for internal combustion engines;
therefore, do not use it for any other purpose. Since
many children like the smell of gas, keep it out of
their reach because the fumes are explosive and dan-
gerous to inhale.