Installation Instructions

Note: T he Belt Kit instr uctions describe the
installation with the main tank assembly installed
on the mac hine . With the remo v al of the tank
recommended in this installation instr uctions ,
installing the new belt is eased b y the a v ailable
access from abo v e . Use the instr uctions as a
guide to complete all the necessar y ste ps in the
belt re placement; ho w ev er , y ou ma y c hoose to
augment the ste ps b y approac hing the installation
from abo v e .
T o access the dri v e belt remo v e all the fasteners
securing the heat shield to the mac hine . R emo v e
the shield and retain all the fasteners for
Installing the Splash Guard
No Parts Required
1. Locate the wiring connector coming from the
shift selector solenoid and v erify the adapter
cable is attac hed. If necessar y , locate the
adapter cable and connect it to the end of the
solenoid connector . Connect the other end to
the wiring har ness coming from the engine .
2. Pi v ot the entire splash guard and console
assembly to its original position.
3. Install the 4 bolts retaining the splash guard to
the frame and existing shift selector assembly .
T here are tw o small and tw o larg e bolts ( Figure
1 ).
Install the Shift Selector
Parts needed for this step:
Bracket, offset
Bolt (1/4 x 5/8 inch)
Lock nut, serrated ange (5/8 inch)
1. Locate the shift selector cables remo v ed earlier .
R etain any fasteners or clamps used to hold the
cables to the frame or brac k et.
2. Install the new offset brac k et to the frame
using the three bolts (1/4 x 5/8 inc h) and three
loc kn uts(1/4 x 5/8 inc h) pro vided ( Figure 26 ).
Figure 26
1. Frame
3. Bolt (1/4 x 5/8 inch)
2. Offset bracket
4. Lock nut (1/4 x 5/8 inch)
Note: If an existing adapter plate is bolted
to the frame , the offset brac k et should be
installed to the openings on the plate .
3. Line up the shift selector cables in the new
brac k et. Mak e sure the cables are in line with
the shift selector linkag es .