
Make certain the hold-down rod is in position over
the battery, securing it in place. See Figure 2.
Figure 2
NOTE: If the battery is put into service after the date
shown on top/side of battery, charge the battery as
instructed on page 25 of this manual prior to operating
the tractor.
Settingthe GaugeWheels
Select the height position of the cutting deck by placing
the deck lift lever in any of the six different cutting height
notches on the right fender.
Adjust the deck wheels so that they are between 1A-inch
and V2-inchabove the ground as follows.
_, ARNING: Keep hands and feet away
from the discharge opening of the cutting
Place the tractor on a firm and level surface, preferably
pavement. Refer to Figure 3, and proceed as follows:
Place the tractor's deck lift handle in the normally
desired mowing height setting, then check the
gauge wheels for contact or excessive clearance
with the surface below.
If the wheels contact the surface adjust as follows:
a. Raise the deck lift handle to its highest
b. Remove the rear gauge wheels by removing
the lock nuts and shoulder screws which
secure them to the deck.
c. Remove the lock nuts and shoulder screws
which secure the front gauge wheels to the
d. Place the deck lift handle in the desired
mowing height setting.
e. Insert the shoulder screw with the rear gauge
wheel into the index hole that leaves
approximately 1/2" between the bottom of the
wheel and the pavement.
Figure 3
f. Note the position of the index hole used; then
install the other rear gauge wheel and the
front ball wheels into the corresponding index
hole of the other gauge wheel brackets.
If the gauge wheels have excessive clearance with
the surface below, lower the wheels to the index
hole that provides the approximate 1/2" clearance
as described above.
Refer to Levelingthe Deckon page 18 of this manual for
more detailed instructions regarding various deck
To adjust the position of the seat, loosen the two knobs
on the bottom of the seat. See Figure 4. Slide the seat
forward or rearward as desired. Retighten the two
Figure 4