Service Manual

7 - 8 Service Dealer’s Guide to Great Quality of Cut
A reference board. A reference board can be
easily made. Use a board that will span the width
of cut of the mowers you will be checking. Mark off
level regular lines on your board, one-inch
intervals are recommended. Place at least one
stake on either end, so they can be pushed into
the ground and hold the board up. If you handle
riders and tractors, you may wish to make the
board as wide as the largest mower attachment
that you handle. For ease of handling, the board
can be hinged in the middle. This also allows
storage in a smaller area.
To use the board, cut a path with the mower being
checked. Place the board across the path and
brush the grass with your hand. Now stand back
from the board and look at the grass against the
reference line. You will be able to see any uncut
strips, out of level, or other quality of cut issues.
Mower Quality of Cut
The following page contains the Mower Quality of Cut
Checklist. When troubleshooting quality of cut
problems, copy this form and use it to record
information about the problem, the troublshooting steps
you take, and the results.