Operator's Manual

Cleaning the Mower
T he mo w er may dislodge material fr om under the
mo w er housing .
W ear ey e pr otection.
Stay in the operating position (behind the
handle) when the engine is r unning .
Do not allo w bystander s in the ar ea.
F or best results , clean the mo w er soon after y ou ha v e
completed mo wing .
1. Lo w er the mo w er to its lo w est cutting height setting .
R efer to Adjusting the Cutting Height.
2. Mo v e the mo w er onto a flat pa v ed surface .
3. Attac h a g arden hose that is connected to a w ater supply
to the w ashout por t on the mo w er housing ( Figure 36 ).
Figure 36
4. T ur n the w ater on.
5. Star t the engine and r un it until there are no more
clippings that come out from under the mo w er housing .
6. Stop the engine .
7. Shut off the w ater and disconnect the g arden hose from
the mo w er .
8. Star t the engine and r un it for a few min utes to dr y the
housing to prev ent it from r usting .
Store the mo w er in a cool, clean, dr y place .
Preparing the Mower for
Gasoline v apor s can explode.
Do not stor e gasoline mor e than 30 days.
Do not stor e the mo w er in an enclosur e near an
open flame.
Allo w the engine to cool bef or e storing it.
1. On the last refueling of the year , add fuel stabilizer to
the fuel as directed b y the engine man ufacturer .
2. Dispose of any un used fuel properly . R ecycle it
according to local codes , or use it in y our automobile .
Note: Old fuel in the fuel tank is the leading cause of
hard star ting . Do not store fuel without stabilizer more
than 30 da ys , and do not store stabilized fuel more than
90 da ys .
3. R un the mo w er until the engine stops from r unning
out of fuel.
4. Prime the engine and star t it ag ain.
5. Allo w the engine to r un until it stops . W hen y ou can no
long er star t the engine , it is sufficiently dr y .
6. Disconnect the wire from the spark plug and connect
the wire onto the retaining post.
7. R emo v e the spark plug, add 1 oz. (30 ml) of oil through
the spark plug hole , and pull the star ter rope slo wly
sev eral times to distribute oil throughout the cylinder to
prev ent cylinder cor rosion during the off-season.
8. Loosely install the spark plug .
9. Tighten all n uts , bolts , and screws .
10. Charg e the batter y for 24 hours , then unplug the batter y
c harg er an store the mo w er in an unheated area. If y ou
m ust store the mo w er in a heated area, y ou m ust c harg e
the batter y ev er y 90 da ys (model 20067 only).