Service Manual

Carburetor Cleaning
Clean the carburetor in a well-ventilated area, and
take care that there is no sparks or flame anywhere
near the working area; this includes any appliance
with a pilot light. Because of the danger of highly
flammable liquids, do not use gasoline or low-flash
point solvents to clean the carburetors.
Do not use compressed air on an assembled carbu-
retor, or the floats may be crushed by the pressure.
Remove as many rubber or plastic parts from the
carburetor as possible before cleaning the carbure-
tor with a cleaning solution. This will prevent dam-
age to or deterioration of the parts.
The carburetor body has plastic parts that can-
not be removed. Do not use a strong carburetor
cleaning solution which could attack these parts;
instead, use a mild high-flash point cleaning solu-
tion safe for plastic parts.
Do not use wire or any other hard instrument to
clean carburetor parts, especially jets, as they may
be damaged.
Disassemble the carburetor (see Carburetor Disassem-
Immerse all the carburetor metal parts in a carburetor
cleaning solution and clean them.
Rinse the parts in water and dry them with compressed
Do not use rags or paper to dry parts. Lint may plug the
holes or passages.
Blow air through the holes and fuel passages with the
compressed air. All holes must be open.
Assemble the carburetor (see Carburetor Disassem-