Operator's Manual

K ee p the area of operation clear of all persons ,
par ticularly small c hildren.
Ex ercise caution to a v oid slipping or falling, especially
when operating the sno w thro w er in rev erse .
T horoughly inspect the area where the equipment is to
be used and remo v e all door mats , sleds , boards , wires ,
and other foreign objects .
Do not operate the equipment without w earing
adequate winter g ar ments . A v oid loose fitting clothing
that can g et caught in mo ving par ts . W ear footw ear that
will impro v e footing on slipper y surfaces .
Handle fuel with care; it is highly flammable .
Use an appro v ed fuel container .
Nev er add fuel to a r unning engine or hot engine .
Fill fuel tank outdoors with extreme care . Nev er fill
fuel tank indoors .
Nev er fill containers inside a v ehicle or on a tr uc k
or trailer bed with a plastic liner . Alw a ys place
containers on the g round, a w a y from y our v ehicle ,
before filling .
W hen practical, remo v e g as-po w ered equipment
from the tr uc k or trailer and refuel it on the g round.
If this is not possible , then refuel suc h equipment
on a trailer with a por table container , rather than
from a g asoline dispenser nozzle .
K ee p the nozzle in contact with the rim of the fuel
tank or container opening at all times , until refueling
is complete . Do not use a nozzle loc k-open device .
R e place g asoline cap securely and wipe up spilled
If fuel is spilled on clothing, c hang e clothing
immediately .
Use extension cords and rece ptacles as specified b y the
man ufacturer for all units with electric star ting motors .
Nev er attempt to mak e any adjustments while the engine
is r unning (ex ce pt when specifically recommended b y
man ufacturer).
Alw a ys w ear safety glasses or eye shields during
operation or while perfor ming an adjustment or re pair
to protect eyes from foreign objects that ma y be thro wn
from the mac hine .
Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating par ts .
K ee p clear of the disc harg e opening at all times .
Ex ercise extreme caution when operating on or crossing
g ra v el dri v es , w alks , or roads . Sta y aler t for hidden
hazards or traffic .
After striking a foreign object, stop the engine , remo v e
the ignition k ey , thoroughly inspect the sno w thro w er
for any damag e , and re pair the damag e before restar ting
and operating the sno w thro w er .
If the unit should star t to vibrate abnor mally , stop the
engine and c hec k immediately for the cause . Vibration
is g enerally a w ar ning of trouble .
Stop the engine whenev er y ou lea v e the operating
position, before unclog ging the rotor blades or
disc harg e c hute , and when making any re pairs ,
adjustments or inspections .
W hen cleaning, re pairing or inspecting the sno w
thro w er , stop the engine and mak e cer tain the rotor
blades and all mo ving par ts ha v e stopped. Disconnect
the spark plug wire and k ee p the wire a w a y from the
plug to prev ent someone from accidentally star ting the
engine .
Do not r un the engine indoors , ex ce pt when star ting
the engine and for transpor ting the sno w thro w er in or
out of the building . Open the outside doors; exhaust
fumes are dang erous .
Ex ercise extreme caution when operating on slopes .
Nev er operate the sno w thro w er without proper guards ,
and other safety protecti v e devices in place and w orking .
Nev er direct the disc harg e to w ard people or areas where
proper ty damag e can occur . K ee p c hildren and others
a w a y .
Do not o v erload the mac hine capacity b y attempting to
clear sno w at too fast a rate .
Nev er operate the mac hine at high transpor t speeds
on slipper y surfaces . Look behind and use care when
operating in rev erse .
Diseng ag e po w er to the rotor blades when sno w
thro w er is transpor ted or not in use .
Nev er operate the sno w thro w er without g ood visibility
or light. Alw a ys be sure of y our footing, and k ee p a fir m
hold on the handles . W alk; nev er r un.
Nev er touc h a hot engine or m uffler .