Operator's Manual

Product Overview
Figure 7
1. Discharge chute 6. Knobs
2. Chute handle
7. Handle bolt (2)
3. Control bar 8. Rotor blades
4. Handle 9. Fuel tank cap
5. Control panel
Figure 8
1. Key switch 3. Recoil start
2. Primer
4. Choke lever
Note: Deter mine the left and right sides of the mac hine
from the nor mal operating position.
Gasoline is extr emel y flamma ble and explosi v e. A
fir e or explosion fr om gasoline can bur n y ou and
other s.
T o pr ev ent a static charge fr om igniting the
gasoline, place the container and/or sno wthr o w er
on the g r ound bef or e filling , not in a v ehicle or
on an object.
Fill the tank outdoor s when the engine is cold.
W ipe up spills.
Do not handle gasoline when smoking or ar ound
an open flame or spar ks.
Stor e gasoline in an appr o v ed fuel container , out
of the r each of childr en.
Mixing the Gasoline and Oil
T his sno wthro w er uses a 50:1 g asoline-to-oil mixture . Use
T or o 50:1 2-Cy cle Oil (Fuel Sta biliz er Added) or an
equi v alent high-g rade , NMMA TCW -cer tified tw o-cycle oil.
Important: T o pr ev ent engine dama ge, do not use
automoti v e oil (such as SAE 30 or 10W30) or fuel mix ed
at the wr ong gasoline-to-oil ratio.
1. P our a half US g allon (1.9 liters) of fresh, unleaded
g asoline into an appro v ed fuel container .
2. Add tw o-cycle oil to the g asoline according to the c har t
belo w ( Figure 9 ):
Figure 9
50:1 Gasoline-to-Oil Ratio Mixing Chart
Gasoline Oil
1 US gallon (3.8 liters) 2.6 ounces (80 ml)
2 US gallons (7.6 liters) 5.2 ounces (160 ml)
3. Install the cap on the fuel container .