Operator's Manual

Form No. 3355-468 Rev A
CCR™ 2450 GTS® Snowthrower
Model No. 38535 —Serial No. 270000001 and Up
Operator's Manual
R ead this infor mation carefully to lear n ho w to operate and
maintain y our product properly and to a v oid injur y and
product damag e . Y ou are responsible for operating the
product properly and safely .
Y ou ma y contact T oro directly at www .T oro .com for
product and accessor y infor mation, help finding a dealer ,
or to register y our product.
W henev er y ou need ser vice , g en uine T oro par ts , or
additional infor mation, contact an A uthorized Ser vice
Dealer or T oro Customer Ser vice and ha v e the model and
serial n umbers of y our product ready . Figure 1 identifies the
location of the model and serial n umbers on the product.
W rite the n umbers in the space pro vided.
Figure 1
1. Model and serial number location
Model No.
Serial No.
T his man ual identifies potential hazards and has safety
messag es identified b y the safety aler t symbol ( Figure 2 ),
whic h signals a hazard that ma y cause serious injur y or
death if y ou do not follo w the recommended precautions .
Figure 2
1. Safety alert symbol
T his man ual uses 2 other w ords to highlight infor mation.
Impor tant calls attention to special mec hanical infor mation
and Note emphasizes g eneral infor mation w or th y of special
T his sno wthr o w er meets or ex ceeds the ISO standard
8437 in ef fect at the time of pr oduction.
R ead and under stand the contents of this man ual
bef or e the engine is ev er star ted.
T his is the safety aler t symbol. It is used to aler t y ou
to potential per sonal injur y hazards. Obey all safety
messa ges that f ollo w this symbol to a v oid possible
injur y or death.
Impr oper l y using or maintaining this sno wthr o w er
could r esult in injur y or death. T o r educe this potential,
compl y with the f ollo wing safety instr uctions.
R ead the operating and ser vice instr uction man ual
carefully . Be thoroughly familiar with the controls and
the proper use of the equipment. Kno w ho w to stop
the unit and diseng ag e the controls quic kly .
Nev er allo w c hildren to operate the equipment. Nev er
allo w adults to operate the equipment without proper
instr uction.
K ee p the area of operation clear of all persons ,
par ticularly small c hildren, and pets .
Ex ercise caution to a v oid slipping or falling, especially
when operating in rev erse .
T horoughly inspect the area where the equipment is to
be used and remo v e all door mats , sleds , boards , wires ,
and other foreign objects .
Diseng ag e all clutc hes and shift into neutral before
star ting the engine . Do not operate the equipment
without w earing adequate winter g ar ments .
W ear footw ear whic h will impro v e footing on slipper y
surfaces .
Handle fuel with care; it is highly flammable .
Use an appro v ed fuel container .
Nev er add fuel to a r unning or hot engine .
Fill fuel tank outdoors with extreme care . Nev er fill
fuel tank indoors .
R e place g asoline caps securely and wipe up spilled
© 2006—The Toro® Company
8111 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Register at www.Toro.com. Original Instructions (EN)
Printed in the USA
All Rights Reserved

Summary of content (16 pages)