Operator's Manual

Tank Drain Handle
T he tank drain handle is located on top of the tank
( Figure 33 ). T o open the tank drain, loosen the n ut
and pull upw ards on the T -handle until the desired
drain flo w is ac hiev ed.
Important: Pull the handle gentl y . Do not
pull too hard or y ou may dama ge the tank
drain components.
Tighten the plastic n ut loc k at the base of the
handle loc k the tank drain in the open position.
W hen the tank has drained, loosen the plastic
n ut and push the T -handle do wn until it stops .
Tighten the plastic n ut to secure the tank drain in
the closed position.
Note: T he plastic n ut on the tank drain should
be tightened when not in use to prev ent leaks at
the drain handle .
Figure 33
1. Tank drain handle
Tank Cover
T he tank co v er is located in the center of the
top of the tank ( Figure 34 ). T o open it, tur n off
the engine and set the parking brak e , then tur n
the front half of the co v er to the left and swing
it open. Y ou can remo v e the strainer inside for
cleaning . T o seal the tank, re place the strainer if
remo v ed, close the co v er , and rotate the front half
to w ard the right.
Figure 34
1. Tank cover 2. Anti-siphon ll receptacle
Anti-siphon Fill Receptacle
T he anti-siphon fill rece ptacle , in front of the tank
co v er , is a hose rece ptacle with a threaded fitting
and a 90 deg ree barbed fitting whic h y ou can
direct to w ard the tank opening ( Figure 34 ). T his
rece ptacle allo ws y ou to connect a w ater hose and
fill the tank without contaminating the hose and
w ater supply with the c hemicals in the tank.
Important: Do not allo w the hose r eceptacle
to contact tank fluids. Do not lengthen the
hose to allo w contact with the tank fluids.