Installation Instructions

Form No. 3356-120 Rev C
Boom Mounting Kit
For Multi-Pro 1200, 1250 and 5700-D Turf Sprayers
Model Year 2004-5
Model No. 41323 —Serial No. 260000001 and Up
Installation Instructions
T his kit r equir es par ts to be w elded to the frame. W elding can expose y ou to a n umber of
hazards including to xic fumes, smok e, dust, bur ns, fir es, explosions, electric shock, radiation,
noise, and heat str ess which can cause serious injur y and death.
W elding por tions of the kit should be perf or med by a trained w elder .
W elding must be perf or med in an adequatel y v entilated ar ea with suita ble fir e extinguishing
equipment r eadil y a v aila ble.
W eld in a fir e-safe w or kplace. T his can be accomplished by w elding behind fir e-safe
bar rier s or cur tains and on concr ete or other fir e-safe flooring . R emo v e or pr otect all
combustibles fr om ignition sources.
W ear pr oper pr otecti v e clothing when w elding , such as fir e r etardant co v eralls. Pr otect y our
hands with leather gauntlet g lo v es. F eet should be pr otected by high top leather shoes,
pr efera bl y safety shoes.
Pr otect y our ey es when w elding . A w elding helmet or hand shield with filter plate and
co v er plate is mandator y to pr otect the ey es while w elding . T ranspar ent go g g les or safety
g lasses should be w or n at all times.
Note: Deter mine the left and right sides of the mac hine from the nor mal operating position.
Note: T he follo wing procedure , at times , will require tw o people to perfor m. An o v erhead hoist can
be used as w ell.
Note: T he installation of this kit can be aided b y referencing the P ar ts Catalo g and Ser vice Manual .
Note: T he installation of existing spra yer kits (F oam Mark er Kit, Hose R eel Kit, etc .) to the newly
modified boom system ma y require additional par ts or updated kits . Please contact y our A uthorized
T oro Dealer for additional infor mation.
© 2006—The Toro® Company
8111 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Register at Original Instructions (EN)
Printed in the USA.
All Rights Reserved

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