Operator's Manual

Lubricate Fittings and
The sweeper has four self–sealing bearings and two grease
fittings that must be lubricated regularly with No, 2 General
Purpose Lithium Base Grease. it machine is operated under
normal conditions, lubricate all bearings and bushings after
every 50 hours of operation or immediately after every
washing. Bearings and bushings must be lubricated daily
when operating conditions are extremely dusty and dirty.
Dusty and dirty operating conditions could cause dirt to got
into the bearings and bushings, resulting in accelerated
1. Lubricate grease fittings:
A. Hydraulic pump neutral device (Fig. 14).
B. Front wheel bearing hub (Fig. 15).
2. Lubricate the four self–sealing bearings mounted on the
sweeper reels with a No. 2 Lithium based grease
(Fig. 16 & 17).
3. Lubricate the 14 gate pivot bearings (7 on each side of
hopper) with lightweight general purpose lubricating
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
Figure 17