Operator's Manual

Important Using Mobil DTE 26 or equivalent ISO VG
68 hydraulic oil when temperatures average below 80_ F
(26.7_ C) could cause serious hydraulic system damage.
The hydraulic vacuum gauge measures the vacuum levels
within the hydraulic system. When the hydraulic oil filter
becomes dirty, the vacuum level within the system will
increase. The vacuum level will also increase if the wrong
viscosity oil is used. (Refer to Expected Ambient
Temperatures table.) Check vacuum gauge after each day’s
operation, and before shutting off engine. The hydraulic
vacuum gauge (Fig. 6, Item 8) has three color–coded zones:
the green zone (gauge reads 1 – 5), the yellow zone (gauge
reads 4 – 6), and the red zone (gauge reads 7 – 31). It is
safe to operate machine with gauge reading in the green or
yellow zone. DO NOT continue to operate machine with
the gauge in the red zone. The hydraulic oil and/or filter
must be changed before operation can continue.
Note: When machine is first started and before the
hydraulic oil has had time to reach a stable operating
temperature (after approximately 2 hours of contiguous
operation), the vacuum gauge may read in the red zone. For
an accurate reading allow oil to reach a stable operating
temperature before checking vacuum gauge.
Important Do not continue to operate machine if
hydraulic vacuum gauge remains in the red zone after
hydraulic oil has reached stable operating temperature.
Continuing to operate machine with gauge in the red zone
may cause serious system damage.
Important If hydraulic oil becomes contaminated,
contact your local Authorized TORO Distributor because
the system must be flushed. Contaminated oil looks milky
or black when compared to clean oil. Continuing to operate
machine with contaminated hydraulic all could cause
system damage.
1. Position machine on a level surface shut engine off, set
parking brake, and remove key from the ignition switch.
2. Remove drain plug (located under the floorboard on
left–hand side) from reservoir and let hydraulic oil flow
into drain pan. Reinstall and tighten plug when
hydraulic oil stops draining.
Figure 22
1. Hydraulic oil drain plug
3. Clean area around hydraulic oil filter mounting area and
remove filter using a filter wrench.
Figure 23
1. Hydraulic oil filter
4. Lubricate the sealing gasket and hand turn until gasket
contacts filter head. Then tighten 3/4 turn further, filter
should now be seated.
5. Fill the hydraulic tank with approximately 28 quarts of
the proper hydraulic fluid.
Important To prevent system contamination, clean top
of hydraulic oil containers before opening. Assure pour
spout and funnel are clean. When adding oil to the
hydraulic system, use a funnel with a fine screen (200