Operator's Manual

Note: Determine the left and right sides of the machine
from the normal operating position.
Key Switch
The key switch (Fig. 12), used to start and stop the engine,
has three positions: off, run, and start.
To start the engine, rotate the key to the start position.
Release the key when engine starts and it will move
automatically to the run position.
To stop the engine, rotate the key to the off position.
Figure 12
1. Key switch 2. Choke lever
Choke Lever
Before starting a cold engine, move the choke lever
(Fig. 12) fully forward. After the engine starts, regulate the
choke to keep the engine running smoothly. As soon as
possible, move the choke lever rearward as far as possible.
A warm engine requires little or no choking.
Throttle Switch
Move the throttle switch (Fig. 13) forward for fast engine
speed and rearward for slow speed.
Figure 13
1. Chute Direction switch 2. Throttle switch
Chute Direction Switch
Move chute direction switch (Fig. 13) forward to move
chute to the left. Move switch rearward to move chute to
the right.
Lift Lever
Hold lift lever. Pull out pin on lever latch and move lift
lever (Fig. 14) forward to raise blower for transport. Move
lever backwards to lower blower for operation.
Figure 14
1. Lift lever 2. Lever latch