Service Manual

ProPass 200 Page 3 -- 19 Hydraulic System
Floor Circuit
Machines with electronic hydraulic controls include a
wireless remote to electrically adjust hydraulic flow to
the floor and rear option (twin spinner or conveyor) mo-
tors (Fig. 21). A hydraulic control manifold is used to
control circuit hydraulic flow from the hydraulic oil supply
source (tow vehicle or hydraulic power pack). The con-
trol manifold includes cartridge valves for control of the
rear option (twin spinner or conveyor) and floor circuits.
Control manifold pressure compensator valve (EC1) is
used to provide priority flow in the required amount to the
floor motor while allowing excess flow to be used for op-
eration of the rear option motors. If the floor circuit is not
engaged, the pressure compensator valve directs all of
the hydraulic flow toward the rear option motors and re-
turn to the hydraulic reservoir.
Control manifold proportional flow valve (PV1) is a prior-
ity--type flow regulator with pressure compensated by-
pass flow. Priority hydraulic flow from this valve is to the
rear option motors. Based on wireless remote settings,
electrical voltage to valve (PV1) is supplied b y the base
unit. Valve (PV1) includes manual adjustment for ma-
chine operation should the wireless controller be lost,
damaged or faulty.
NOTE: The schematic symbols for the pressure com-
pensator valve (EC1) and proportional flow valve (PV1)
include lines above and below the valve symbols which
designate infinite positioning of the valve spools. These
valves appear to be two ( 2) position valves but in opera-
tion, the valves will shift to provide necessary flow to
both the floor motor and to the rear option motors based
on control settings.
Control manifold proportional solenoid valve (SP1) is
used to allow flow to the floor motor. Based on wireless
remote settings, electrical voltage to valve (SP1) is sup-
plied by the base unit. Solenoid valve (SP1) includes
manual adjustment for machine operation should the
wireless controller be lost, d amaged or faulty.
NOTE: Control manifold solenoid valve SV1 is not used
in ProPass 200 machines. This valve is included in the
manifold for use on other machines that also u se this
same manifold.
If neither the floor motor or rear option (twin spinner or
conveyor) motors are engaged, none of the hydraulic
control manifold solenoid valve coils are energized. Hy-
draulic flow is prevented through the unshifted solenoid
valves causing the pressure compensator valve (EC1)
and proportional flow valve (PV1) to shift. These two (2)
valves route hydraulic flow back to the hydraulic reser-
voir, bypassing the floor and rear option motors. The
floor and rear option will remain in the stationary posi-
NOTE: Typically, the rear option (twin spinner or con-
veyor) is engaged before the floor is started.
When the operator engages the floor conveyor, the
solenoid coil on solenoid valve (SP1) is energized by an
output from the base unit. The shifted SP1 valve directs
hydraulic flow to the floor motor. To allow the proper mo-
tor speed, the base unit supplies the necessary voltage
to the SP1 solenoid coil based on settings of the wireless
remote. Flow from the SP1 v alve is proportional to cur-
rent applied to the valve coil by the base unit. System hy-
draulic flow in excess of the floor valve setting is
available for the rear option. Return from the rear option
motors is routed to the reservoir.
Check valve CV1 along with orifice fittings ORF1 and
ORF2 are included in the floor circuit to ensure that pres-
sure compensator valve (EC1) provides the necessary
flow to the floor motor.
Hydraulic circuit pressure is controlled by the system re-
lief valve either on the tow vehicle or hydraulic power
Figure 21
1. Wireless remote
2. E--Stop button
3. Power lead harness
4. Optional power pack