Service Manual

ProPass 200 Page 3 -- 33 Hydraulic System
Removal (Fig. 33)
1. Position machine on a levelsurface.IfProPassisat-
tached to tow vehicle, apply tow vehicle parking brake,
stop engine and remove key from the ignition switch.
Chock wheels to prevent ProPass machine from mov-
2. Disconnect emergency stop button connector from
machine wire harness. Remove control panel guard
from front of ProPass to allow access to control mani-
Before disconnecting any hydraulic compo-
nents, operate all hydraulic controls to relieve
system pressure and avoid injury from pressur-
ized hydraulic oil. See Relieving Hydraulic Sys-
tem Pressure in the General Information section
of this chapter.
3. Relieve hydraulic system pressure.
4. Clean control manifold and all hydraulic connections
at manifold. Label all control manifold hydraulic and
electrical connections for assembly purposes.
5. Disconnect wire harness connectors from solenoid
valves on manifold.
6. Disconnect hydraulic hoses from hydraulic fittings on
control manifold. Allow hydraulic oil to drain from lines
into a suitable container. Put caps or plugs on open hy-
draulic lines and fittings to prevent contamination.
7. Remove two (2) cap screws (item 16), lock washers
and flat washers that secure manifold to machine frame.
Remove control manifold assembly from the machine.
8. If necessary, remove hydraulic fittings and O--rings
from manifold. Discard all removed O--rings.
Installation (Fig. 33)
1. If fittings were removed f rom manifold, lubricate and
place new O--rings onto fittings. Install and properly
tighten fittings into manifold openings (see Hydraulic Fit-
ting Installation in the General Information section of this
2. Position manifold assembly to the machine frame.
Secure assembly to the frame with two (2) cap screws
(item 16), lock washers and flat washers.
3. Remove caps and plugs from disconnected hydrau-
lic lines and manifold fittings.
4. Lubricate and position new O --rings to fittings on
manifold. Use labels placed during the r emoval process
to properly install hydraulic lines to manifold fittings (see
Hydraulic Hose and Tube Installation in the General In-
formation section of this chapter).
5. Connect wire harness connectors to solenoid valves
on manifold.
6. Install control panel guard to front of ProPass. Con-
nect emergency stop button connector to machine wire
Figure 34
1. Pressure hose (45
2. Return hose (90
3. Control panel guard
Figure 35
1. Control manifold
2. Solenoid coil: floor
3. Solenoid coil: option