Service Manual

ProPass 200Electrical System Page 4 -- 28
Displayed Message Meaning
ASSOC PENDING Association between remote and base u nit has yet to be made.
ASSOC ACTIVE Association attempt between remote and base unit is in progress.
CLR CHAN SCAN Ascantofindaclearchannelisinprogress.
POW UP BUNIT The base unit is being powered up.
ASSOC SUCCESS Association between remote and base unit has been made.
ALL STORE Store all currently set values into memory.
OPTION STORE Store the current rear option settings into memory.
FLOOR STORE Store the current floor settings into memory.
PRESET 1 STORE Store the current PRESET 1 setting into memory.
PRESET 2 STORE Store the current PRESET 2 setting into memory.
PRESET 3 STORE Store the current PRESET 3 setting into memory.
WAITING FOR BASE Remote is waiting for a response from the base unit (NOTE: Make
sure that E --Stop button is pulled out and all electrical components
are connected).
COMMAND POW DOWN Operator has pressed the ON/OFF button to power down.
LOW BAT POW DOWN Cyclicwarningthattheremotebatteriesarelowandneedtobe
INACTIV POW DOWN Automatic shutdown after thirty (30) minutes of remote button in-
SOFTWARE VER XX Software version XX is being used.
Remaining battery life in percentage.
Number of base unit messages per second being received.
NOTE: See Operator’s Manual for procedure to access these dis-
play features.
CHANNEL X Channel in Ghz currently being used for communication between
remote and base unit. NOTE: If area interference prevents reliable
remote communications, re--associating the remote to the base unit
might access different channel with less interference (see Operat-
or’s Manual for association procedure).
HHELD ID XXXXXX Identity of the wireless remote. NOTE: See Operator’s Manual for
procedure to access this display feature.
BUINT ID XXXXXX Identity of the base unit. NOTE: See Operator’s Manual for proced-
ure to access this display feature.
Display of the stored floor speed or rear option speed percents
after initially pressing floor start or option start button. The operator
can either accept the stored setting or change it before starting the
floor or rear option by pressing the start button a second time.
During floor operation, the current floor speed in percent.
During rear option operation, the current rear speed in percent.
Remote button is stuck.
XXXXXX identifies the button that is stuck.