Operator's Manual

Operating Instructions Page 25
Belt start
Belt stop
Reduce belt speed
Increase belt speed
Belt Reverse
Store/Recall presets
Lower Bin
Raise Bin
Option start
Option stop
Reduce option speed
Increase option speed
All Stop
WARNING: Do not leave the MH-400
unattended while it is running.
Turn on the control pendant by rotating the “all stop
button clockwise until it pops up.
Conveyor Belt
To unload the MH-400, press the “belt start” button
on the control pendant. This moves material to the
rear along the conveyor belt.
To stop the conveyor belt, press the “belt stop”
button on the control pendant.
To load the MH-400, press and hold the “belt
reverse” button on the control pendant. (Belt must
be stopped in order to reverse) This moves material
to the front along the conveyor belt.
Bin Raise/Lower
To raise the MH-400, press and hold the “raise bin”
button on the control pendant until the desired height
is reached, then release it.
To lower the MH-400, press and hold the “lower
bin” button on the control pendant until the desired
height is reached, then release it.
CAUTION: Do not keep pressing the
raise bin”/”lower bin” buttons in the
raised or lowered position once the lift
cylinders have reached their maximum
travel position.