Operator's Manual

Form No. 3354-193 Rev A
37cm Trim and Edge Electric Trimmer
Model No. 51452 —Serial No. 260000001 and Up
Operator's Manual
W ARNING!-W hen using the machine, the safety r ules must
be f ollo w ed. F or y our o wn safety and bystander s, please r ead
these instr uctions bef or e operating the machine. Please
k eep the instr uctions safe f or later use.
It is essential that y ou or an y other operator of the appliance
r ead and under stand the contents of this man ual bef or e
operating the appliance. P a y par ticular attention to the
safety aler t symbol whic h means Caution , W ar ning or
Danger —personal safety instr uction. R ead and understand the
instr uction because it has to do with safety . F ailure to comply
with these instr uctions ma y result in personal injur y , risk of fire ,
or electrical shoc k.
T he follo wing safety infor mation has been adapted from
European Standard EN 786:1996 and EN 60335-2-91:2002:
Be familiar with the controls and proper use of the mac hine .
W ear protecti v e glasses or g og gles .
Nev er allo w c hildren or people unfamiliar with the
instr uctions to use the mac hine .
Stop using the mac hine while people , especially c hildren, or
pets are nearb y .
Only use the mac hine in da ylight or g ood ar tificial light.
Before using the mac hine and after any impact, c hec k for
signs of w ear or damag e and re pair as necessar y .
Nev er operate the mac hine with damag ed guards or without
the guards in place .
K ee p hands and feet a w a y from the cutting means at all times
and especially when switc hing on the motor .
T ak e care ag ainst injur y from the line cutting blade on the
underside of the trimmer . After installing new line , alw a ys
retur n the mac hine to its nor mal operating position before
switc hing it on.
Nev er use metal cutting elements .
Do not car r y a plug g ed-in trimmer with y our fing er on the
switc h. Ensure that the switc h is off when plug ging in the
trimmer .
Disconnect the mac hine from the po w er source before
c hec king, cleaning, or w orking on the mac hine and when it
is not in use .
Alw a ys ensure that the v entilation openings are k e pt clear
of debris .
Before use , c hec k the supply and extension cord for signs of
damag e or aging .
If the cord becomes damag ed during use , disconnect the cord
from the po w er supply immediately . Do not touch the cord
bef or e disconnecting the po w er suppl y .
Do not use the mac hine if the cord is damag ed or w or n.
W ar ning , the cutting element contin ues to rotate after the
motor is switc hed off .
K ee p extension cords a w a y from the cutting element.
T he po w er supply used with the appliance should be a
residential cur rent device (R CD) with a tripping cur rent of
not more than 30 mA.
T he mac hine w eighs 2.4 kg .
After use , c hec k the mac hine for damag e .
W hen not in use , store the mac hine a w a y from c hildren.
If the trimmer requires re pair , tak e it to an A uthorized T oro
Dealer .
Use only T oro re placement par ts and accessories .
Sound Pressure
T his unit has a maxim um sound pressure lev el at the operator’ s
ear of 82.5 dB A, based on measurements of identical mac hines
per EN 11201.
Sound Power
T his unit has a guaranteed sound po w er lev el of 96 dB A, based
on measurements of identical mac hines per EN 11094.
Vibration, Hand/arm
T his unit does not ex ceed a hand/ar m vibration lev el of 6.54
, based on measurements of identical mac hines per EN 1033.
© 2005—The Toro® Company
8111 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Register at www.Toro.com. Original Instructions (EN)
Printed in the USA.
All Rights Reserved

Summary of content (56 pages)