Operator's Manual

After eac h use of the trimmer , do the follo wing:
Wipe the trimmer clean with a damp cloth. Do not hose the
trimmer do wn or submer se it in w ater .
Wipe or scrape clean any accum ulation of dir t or cuttings
from the trimmer head and spool.
Chec k and tighten all fasteners . If any par t is damag ed or
lost, re pair or re place it.
R emo v e any debris a w a y from air intak e v ents ( Figure 11 ).
Figure 11
Important: K eep the air intak e v ents fr ee of g rass and
de bris to pr ev ent the motor fr om o v erheating .
Disposing of the Battery
W hen the batter y no long er holds a c harg e , y ou can purc hase a
new batter y and ha v e it installed b y an A uthorized T oro Ser vice
Dealer . If y ou w ant to discard the trimmer , remo v e and recycle
the batter y before discarding the trimmer .
Batter y posts, ter minals, and r elated accessories contain
lead and lead compounds, chemicals kno wn to the State
of Calif or nia to cause cancer and r epr oducti v e har m.
W ash hands after handling .
1. R emo v e the 2 bolts and n uts that secure the handle section
to the center section.
2. R emo v e the 6 screws that secure the tw o halv es of the handle
section tog ether and pull the halv es apar t.
3. R emo v e the batter y and disconnect it from the wire leads .
4. Discard the trimmer .
5. R ecycle the lead-acid batter y according to local codes .
F or idle periods of more than a month, disconnect the c harg er
from the po w er outlet and trimmer after the trimmer is fully
c harg ed. Do not store the trimmer with the c harg er plug g ed in.
Storing the trimmer in a w ar m area will decrease the batter y life .
If y ou m ust store the trimmer in a w ar m area, c harg e the batter y
for 24 hours ev er y 2 to 3 months during storag e .
T oro has designed this product to gi v e y ou years of trouble-free
use . Should it need ser vice , tak e the product to an A uthorized
T oro Ser vice Dealer . T he T oro Dealer is specially trained to fix
T oro products and will ensure that y our T oro product sta ys all
T oro .