Service Manual

Engine Stops After Running Briefly
Partially plugged fuel tank cap vent Clean fuel tank cap vent
Dirty or plugged air filter Clean or replace air filter
Water in fuel mixture Drain tank and blow out lines
Air leak at carburetor base gasket Tighten carburetor mounting fasteners
or replace carburetor base gaskets
Dirty carburetor fuel inlet needle or passage Replace fuel inlet needle
or clean out carburetor
Faulty carburetor diaphragm Replace diaphragm
Losing compression Replace piston ring or gaskets,
or overhaul engine
Engine Will Not Idle
Improperly adjusted carburetor Adjust carburetor
Faulty carburetor diaphragm Replace carburetor diaphragm
Faulty carburetor inlet seat gasket Replace carburetor inlet seat gasket
Leaking crankshaft seals Replace crankshaft seals
Leaking or broken reed valve Replace reed valve
Scored cylinder or low compression Overhaul engine
Engine Backfires Or Misfires
Improper or contaminated fuel mix Drain tank; refill with fresh fuel mixture
Fouled, improperly gapped, or broken spark plug Clean or replace spark plug; set gap to
0.025 inch (0.635 mm)
Faulty reed valve Replace reed valve
Shorted ignition module leads Check for loose or bare wires or loose
assembly and correct,or
replace or replace ignition module
Possible Cause Remedy
Possible Cause Remedy
Possible Cause Remedy