graphite 1,250 mg/m3 Not Available
lithium fluorophosphate Not Available Not Available
ethylene carbonate Not Available Not Available
propylene carbonate Not Available Not Available
diethyl carbonate Not Available Not Available
ethyl propionate Not Available Not Available
copper 100 mg/m3 Not Available
aluminium Not Available Not Available
vinylidene fluoride homopolymer Not Available Not Available
steel Not Available Not Available
nickel Not Available Not Available
Exposure controls
Appropriate engineering
General exhaust is adequate under normal operating conditions.
Personal protection
Eye and face protection
None under normal operating conditions.
Safety glasses.
Skin protection See Hand protection below
Hands/feet protection
None under normal operating conditions.
Rubber Gloves
Body protection See Other protection below
Other protection No special equipment needed when handling small quantities
Respiratory protection
Type A-P Filter of sufficient capacity. (AS/NZS 1716 & 1715, EN 143:2000 & 149:2001, ANSI Z88 or national equivalent)
Where the concentration of gas/particulates in the breathing zone, approaches or exceeds the "Exposure Standard" (or ES), respiratory protection is required.
Degree of protection varies with both face-piece and Class of filter; the nature of protection varies with Type of filter.
Required Minimum Protection Factor Half-Face Respirator Full-Face Respirator Powered Air Respirator
up to 10 x ES A-AUS P2 - A-PAPR-AUS / Class 1 P2
up to 50 x ES - A-AUS / Class 1 P2 -
up to 100 x ES - A-2 P2 A-PAPR-2 P2 ^
^ - Full-face
A(All classes) = Organic vapours, B AUS or B1 = Acid gasses, B2 = Acid gas or hydrogen cyanide(HCN), B3 = Acid gas or hydrogen cyanide(HCN), E = Sulfur dioxide(SO2), G = Agricultural
chemicals, K = Ammonia(NH3), Hg = Mercury, NO = Oxides of nitrogen, MB = Methyl bromide, AX = Low boiling point organic compounds(below 65 degC)
Respirators may be necessary when engineering and administrative controls do not adequately prevent exposures.
The decision to use respiratory protection should be based on professional judgment that takes into account toxicity information, exposure measurement data, and frequency and likelihood of the
worker's exposure - ensure users are not subject to high thermal loads which may result in heat stress or distress due to personal protective equipment (powered, positive flow, full face
apparatus may be an option).
Published occupational exposure limits, where they exist, will assist in determining the adequacy of the selected respiratory protection. These may be government mandated or vendor
Certified respirators will be useful for protecting workers from inhalation of particulates when properly selected and fit tested as part of a complete respiratory protection program.
Use approved positive flow mask if significant quantities of dust becomes airborne.
Try to avoid creating dust conditions.
Information on basic physical and chemical properties
Appearance Coloured solid article with no odour; insoluble in water.
Physical state Manufactured Relative density (Water = 1) Not Applicable
Odour Not Available
Partition coefficient n-octanol /
Not Available
Odour threshold Not Available Auto-ignition temperature (°C) Not Applicable
pH (as supplied) Not Applicable Decomposition temperature Not Available
Melting point / freezing point
Not Applicable Viscosity (cSt) Not Applicable
Initial boiling point and boiling
range (°C)
Not Applicable Molecular weight (g/mol) Not Applicable
Chemwatch: 5351-43
Version No:
Page 5 of 16
Toro Flex Force Lithium Ion Battery (UN3481)
Issue Date: 07/05/2019
Print Date: 08/05/2019