User guide

Ov erlap eac h sw ath to ensure complete sno w remo v al.
Disc harg e the sno w do wnwind whenev er possible .
In sno wy and cold conditions , some controls and
mo ving par ts ma y freeze . Do not use ex cessi v e force
when tr ying to operate frozen controls . If y ou ha v e
difficulty operating any control or par t, star t the engine
and let it r un for a few min utes .
Note: Deter mine the left and right sides of the mac hine from the nor mal operating position.
Recommended Maintenance Schedule(s)
Maintenance Service
Maintenance Procedure
After the rst operating
Check the control cable both initially and after the rst hour of operation; adjust it
if necessary.
Check for loose fasteners and tighten them if necessary.
Check the control cable and adjust it if necessary.
Check for loose fasteners and tighten them if necessary.
Have an Authorized Service Dealer inspect the spark plug and replace it if
Inspect the rotor blades and have an Authorized Service Dealer replace the rotor
blades and scraper if necessary.
Have an Authorized Service Dealer inspect the drive belt and replace it if necessary.
Yearly or before storage
Prepare the snowthrower for storage.
Adjusting the Control Cable
Checking the Cable
Important: Check the contr ol ca ble f or pr oper
adjustment initiall y , after the fir st operating hour , and
then ann uall y ther eafter .
1. Mo v e the control bar bac k to w ard the handle to remo v e
the slac k in the cable .
2. Ensure that a 1/16 to 1/8 inc h (2 to 3 mm) g ap exists
betw een the control bar and the handle ( Figure 21 ).
Figure 21
1. 1/16 to 1/8 inch (2 to 3 mm) gap
Note: T o adjust the cable , refer to Adjusting the Cable
belo w .
Important: T he contr ol ca ble must contain some
slack when y ou disenga ge the contr ol bar f or the
r otor blades to stop pr oper l y .
Adjusting the Cable
1. Unhook the end of the control cable spring from the
control bar ( Figure 22 ).
Figure 22
2. Mo v e the Z-fitting to a higher or lo w er hole in the
adjuster link as needed to obtain the 1/16 to 1/8 inc h
(2 to 3 mm) g ap betw een the control bar and the handle
( Figure 23 ).