User guide

Figure 23
1. Z-tting 2. Adjuster link
Note: Mo ving the Z-fitting higher decreases the g ap
betw een the control bar and the handle; mo ving it lo w er
increases the g ap .
3. R e place the spring co v er and hook the end of the
control cable spring into the bottom hole of the control
bar .
4. Chec k the adjustment; refer to Chec king the Cable .
Note: After extended use , the dri v e belt ma y w ear and lose
its proper belt tension. If the dri v e belt slips (contin uously
squeals) under a hea vy load, increase the belt tension b y
inser ting the spring end into the top hole of the control
bar . T he belt ma y slip (squeal) in w et conditions; to dr y out
the dri v e system, star t the rotor and r un it without a load
for 30 seconds .
Inspecting the Rotor Blades
Before eac h season, inspect the rotor blades for w ear . W hen
a rotor blade edg e has w or n do wn to the w ear indicator
hole , ha v e an A uthorized Ser vice Dealer re place the rotor
blades and the scraper ( Figure 24 )
Figure 24
1. Wear indicator hole
Storing the Snowthrower
Gasoline fumes ar e highl y flamma ble, explosi v e,
and danger ous if inhaled. If y ou stor e the pr oduct
in an ar ea with an open flame, the gasoline fumes
may ignite and cause an explosion.
Do not stor e the sno wthr o w er in a house (li ving
ar ea), basement, or an y other ar ea wher e ignition
sources may be pr esent, such as hot w ater and
space heater s, clothes dr y er s, fur naces, and other
lik e appliances.
Important: Do not use the chute handle to lift the
sno wthr o w er . T his can dama ge the chute handle.
1. Add a fuel stabilizer/conditioner to the fuel in the fuel
tank as directed.
Note: If y ou use T oro 50:1 2-Cycle Oil (Fuel
Stabilizer Added) , y ou do not need to add a fuel
stabilizer/conditioner .
2. R un the engine for 5 min utes to distribute the
conditioned fuel through the fuel system.
3. Stop the engine and allo w it to cool.
4. Use a hand pump to pump the fuel from the fuel tank
into an appro v ed fuel container , or r un the engine until
it stops .
5. Star t the engine and r un it until it stops .
6. Chok e or prime the engine , star t it a third time , and r un
the engine until it will not star t.
7. Slo wly pull the recoil star ter until y ou feel resistance due
to compression pressure , then stop .
8. R elease the star ter tension g radually b y allo wing the
rope to g o bac k slo wly to prev ent the engine from
rev ersing due to compression pressure .
9. Dispose of un used fuel properly . R ecycle it according to
local codes , or use it in y our automobile .
Note: Do not store stabilized fuel for more than 90
da ys .
10. Tighten all loose screws , bolts , and loc kn uts . R e pair or
re place any damag ed par ts .
11. Clean the sno wthro w er thoroughly .
12. Co v er the sno wthro w er and store it in a clean, dr y place
out of the reac h of c hildren. Allo w the engine to cool
before storing it in any enclosure .