Design Guide

_____________________________________________________________Landscape Dripline Design
Installation Procedures
Planting Guidelines
1. Pre-irrigate to ensure that the soil is hydrated to field capacity
before planting begins. This is especially important when planting
sod or hydroseeding.
2. When planting container plants with pot sizes wider than the
dripline lateral spacing, there are two options:
Plant the oversized plants prior to installing the dripline laterals
and plant the smaller plants after installing the dripline laterals.
Plant all plants after installing the dripline, taking care to pre-cut
and tape the open ends of the dripline when planting the
oversized plants. Re-connect the severed dripline after planting.
3. As with all types of irrigation, it is critical that the root balls are not
allowed to dry out during the plant-establishment period. Initial
postplanting irrigation is critical, so it is necessary to over-irrigate
to ensure water transfer between the landscape soil medium and
container plant root balls.
4. When planting sod or hydroseeded grasses, establishment can be
accomplished without supplemental overhead watering by:
making sure the soil is hydrated to field capacity prior to
thoroughly rolling the sod to ensure optimum contact between
the sod and the soil medium. Use multiple-start run times (up to
10 times per day) until the sod has knit into the soil. Take care
not to let the sod dry out during this period.
using multiple start times as described above to establish
seeded or hydroseeded grasses.