user manual

Groundsmaster 4100--D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 63
Charge Hydraulic System
NOTE: Wheninitiallystartingthehydraulicsystemwith
cylinders, it is important that the hydraulic system be
charged properly. Air must be purged from the system
and its components to reduce the chance of damage.
IMPORTANT: Change hydraulic oil filter whenever
hydraulic components are repaired or replaced.
1. Park machineonalevelsurface.Lower cuttingdeck
to the ground, stop engine and engage parking brake.
Remove key from the ignition switch.
2. Make sure allhydraulic connections, lines andcom-
ponents are tight.
3. Ifcomponentfailurewassevereorthesystemiscon-
taminated, flush and refill hydraulic system and reser-
voir (see Flush Hydraulic System in this section).
4. Make surehydraulic reservoiris full.Add correct hy-
draulic oil if necessary.
5. Check control rod to the piston (traction) pump for
proper adjustment, binding or broken parts.
6. Disconnect wireharnessconnector from enginerun
solenoid to prevent the engine from starting.
7. Make sure traction pedal and lift control lever are in
starter for ten (10) seconds to prime the traction and
gear pumps. Repeat this step again.
8. Connect wireharnessconnector to enginerun sole-
Jacking Instructions in Chapter 1 -- Safety.
9. Raise one front and one rear wheel off the ground
and place support blocks under the frame. Chock re-
maining wheels to prevent movement of the machine.
10.Make sure traction pedal and lift control lever are in
neutral. Start engine and run it at low idle (1400 RPM).
the engine and determine the cause.
11.Afterthe hydraulicsystem startstoshowsignsof fill,
actuate lift control lever until the lift cylinder rod moves
in and out several times. If the cylinder rod does not
move after fifteen (15) seconds or the pump emits ab-
normalsounds,shut theengine offimmediatelyandde-
termine cause or problem. Inspect for the following:
A. Loose filter or suction lines.
B. Blocked suction line.
C. Faulty charge relief valve.
D. Faulty gear pump.
12.If cylinder does move in 15 seconds, proceed to
step 13.
directions. The wheels off the ground should r otate in
the proper direction.
A. If the wheels rotate in the wrong direction, stop
engine and check for proper hose connections at
traction pump and motors. Correct as needed.
B. If the wheels rotate in the proper direction, stop
14.Adjust traction pedal to the neutral position.
15.Check operation of the traction interlock switch.
ground. Remove chocks from remaining wheels.
17.If thepiston (traction)pump or awheel oraxle motor
was replaced or rebuilt, run the machine so all wheels
turn slowly for 10 minutes.
18.Operate machine by gradually increasing it’s w ork
load to full over a 10 minute period.
19.Stop the machine. Check hydraulic reservoir and fill
tighten any loose connections.