
Bidding Specifications
Central Controller
The central controller shall utilize a personal-computer-based, Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate platform, user-
friendly irrigation management and control program. The central controller shall utilize client/server architecture.
Computer shall include 2 video outputs and allow map graphic to be floated onto secondary monitor.
The central controller shall utilize site graphics with 64-bit software, including site graphics at the station level.
The software shall be presented in a “flat” display, where all of the information needed is available to the user for a
given operation, without having to open and close additional windows.
The central controller shall have programs based on a hierarchy organized the same as the golf course.
Course(s), Areas (greens, tees, fairways, etc.) followed by holes (1 through 48), followed by the individual sprinklers.
The central controller shall have the ability to view the system at any of the four levels (course, area, hole, sprinkler) by
Dynamic Drill down (simply clicking on a plus/minus box ) to give the user intuitive control. A graphic red “Water Drop”
will identify areas and holes that have stations turned off. A graphic green “Water Drop” will identify areas, holes and
stations set to run automatically. A graphic blue “Water Drop” will identify areas not scheduled to water.
The central controller shall allow the user to schedule areas to irrigate by either entering runtimes in minutes, or
by entering the amount of water to apply. If amount is utilized, the corresponding minutes will automatically be
calculated and displayed. If minutes are utilized, the corresponding amount of application shall be calculated and
displayed. Runtimes shall be calculated and executed to the second.
The central controller shall have a “Course Report” to allow the user to determine the status of each sprinkler
station on the golf course. The Course Report shall auto generate after each night’s watering to allow confirmation of all
sprinkler runtimes at a glance. The Course Report will display all Automatic, Manual, and Group Multi-Manual Irrigation
as well as stations that are currently running. Stations that have not operated as scheduled shall be identified with a
graphic red “Water Drop”. The Course Report / Alert Panel shall display feedback from the Base Station to indicate
station status. Optional Hand-held Remote Interface (HHRI) will provide feedback for Manual operations. The Course
Report will utilize the Area, Hole, Station layout with Dynamic Drill down to quickly navigate to exceptions.
The central controller shall support the creation of a customized site map displaying multiple layers. The
central controller shall allow the user to quickly create a map from any digital image (jpeg, bmp or tif format). The
control system will allow the user to edit the locations of sprinklers, satellites, Turf Guard Sensors, and switches on the
map. The central controller shall provide system status at the station level and display changes in status . The central
controller shall be capable of creating user-defined work orders. If a CAD map is utilized, the central controller will
display area and distance measurements.
The central controller shall be capable of graphically displaying projected flow on the map at the station level
and displaying station activation utilizing a color-coding system that shows how stations will activate during the next 24
hours. The central controller shall be capable of creating irrigation programs through the map and making station level
percentage adjustments. When programming or manually running stations, the map shall be capable of automatically
zooming into the stations, holes, and areas selected.
The central controller shall have the ability to communicate with and control up to 255 OSMAC satellites. Each
satellite may control up to 64 stations. The system may control up to 1,344 stations.
The central controller shall automatically calculate sunrise and sunset based on longitude, latitude and date,
and provide this information for starting or stopping a program in relation to sunrise or sunset.