
The central controller shall permit true random access of all stations in the system and allow Instant Programs
to be constructed with any combination of stations regardless of wiring sequences or satellite designation.
The central controller shall have the ability to manually adjust (percentage increase/decrease) by course, area,
hole, station, and/or the entire system. System adjustment factors may be input via actual percentage or operational
ET. The central controller shall have the ability to connect to a weather station. The weather station will measure and
store temperature, relative humidity, dew point, wind speed and direction, and solar radiation for use in the calculation
of evapo-transpiration. The central shall have the ability to automatically calculate and adjust watering times based on
evapo-transpiration. The central controller shall also have the ability to reduce the automatically calculated runtime by
the rainfall measured over the preceding 24 hours. Further, the central controller shall have the ability to adjust
calculated runtimes after they have been scheduled utilizing a Rain Re-Flow alarm response.
The central controller shall include the Turf Guard Soil Sensor software. Individual sensor data can be
assigned to specific sprinklers to allow the user to view current soil moisture on the Watering Plan, allowing the user to
choose to skip watering if moisture levels are above user-defined thresholds, or to activate stations if moisture levels are
below defined thresholds.
The central controller shall employ advanced hydraulic/electrical systems management, allowing the user to
specify hydraulic system design (sources and pipes representing mainlines, branches and flow groups) and the hydraulic
limits of each entity. The central controller shall manage system flow by automatically generating the appropriate
station start times based on the program priority and hydraulic limits set for each source and pipe, and for the electrical
limit set for each field controller (satellite). The central controller shall incorporate the ability to use Precipitation
Management Groups to specific which stations are allowed to operate simultaneously when hydraulic capacity is
The central controller shall display projected flow by source, course, area, program and hole using colors to
differentiate. The graph will calculate and display the maximum instantaneous flow as well as the total volume.
Maximum flow and volume will be displayed in user-selected units. When pump integration is configured, the actual
flow reported by the pump station can be displayed simultaneously with the projected flow for up to the last 7 days.
The central controller shall have the ability to manually start programs for an entire area, a hole/area or an
individual satellite program. Manual programs may be started in normal program time or a manually selected time. The
central controller shall have the ability to start a multi-manual cycle in a satellite, running up to 6 stations
simultaneously with a run time of up to 8 hrs 59 minutes. OSMAC satellites can run up to 16 stations simultaneously .
The central controller shall have the ability to independently suspend, (hold) the automatic operation of an
individual station, hole, area or the entire system. The station hold duration shall be programmable for the current
irrigation day up to 30 days, or may be permanent.
The central controller shall have the ability to control non-irrigation devices through switch outputs. Each
switch will have an independent seven-day calendar schedule and start times for up to 12 starts. Switch outputs may
run from one minute to 23 hours and 59 minutes (programmable in one-minute increments), with individual start times
for each station (switch output). Switches may also be scheduled to run with any program and include the ability to
offset the start time prior to or after the start of the program.
The central controller shall allow a user-defined response to a weather station or pump station based alarm.
The alarm response shall have up to 99 responses for local and globalized control.
The OSMAC Base Station can be configured to support a Rain Shut down for the system.