
The central controller shall provide reports detailing the following information: 1) projected schedule activity,
2) contents of the database constructed while programming the central controller, 3) overview of scheduled irrigation
activity including start time, end time, area and satellite information, flow and program, 4) report stations that did not
run, 5) stations that are assigned to more than one program.
The central controller shall be capable of integrating with up to 3 pump stations manufactured by Flowtronex
or up to 3 pump stations manufactured by Watertronics or up to 3 pump stations manufactured by Grundfos. The
central controller shall be capable of displaying key pump station data including flow and pressure. The central
controller shall be capable of responding to “alarm” conditions based on data received from the Flowtronex, Grundfos
or Watertronics pump stations. When alarms are activated, the irrigation system will respond in one of the following
ways: log only no response, pause irrigation, resume irrigation, turn a switch on/off, cancel a program or station, initiate
a rain hold or cancel, start a program or initiate a Re-Flow response. The central controller shall have “Power Guard”,
the ability to limit electrical consumption during specified times when integrated with a Flowtronex Pump station
equipped with their Pace controls. The central controller will be able to limit flow during specified times with the
configuration of a pump profile with or without pump station integration. These features allow savings in markets
where the utility companies have adopted tiered electricity rates for peak use periods.
The system shall require a personal computer which has been certified by the manufacturer for use with the
central control system.
The system shall come with a one-year dedicated support program provided by the manufacturer which
includes extended warranties, 24-hour component replacement, toll-free help-line support and remote diagnostics by a
licensed irrigator.
The system shall include NSN Connect for secure remote access to allow the user to operate the Lynx system
from any computer connected to the internet. This will also allow NSN to do remote diagnostics and support of the
central controller.
The system shall include one year of NSN Connect Plus, a service which will allow NSN to remotely monitor
the computer 24/7/365 and will alert the user to internal computer hardware and software issues.
The system shall include one year of Lynx Mobile, a service which will allow the user to remotely control Lynx
24/7/365 from any web enabled mobile device. This service will provide for manual irrigation, communication
diagnostics, viewing of course status and alerts.
The central controller shall be developed, manufactured, qualified and released in the USA by an ISO 9001-
certified facility. The central controller, model number ____________, shall be manufactured by The Toro Company,
Irrigation Division, Riverside, California, USA.
Note: Lynx, Electro-Flow, NSN, NSN Connect and NSN Connect Plus are trademarks of The Toro Company.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft, Inc.