Owner's Manual

The Output Status screen (accessed when the Send button from the
Master Control Panel is clicked) is used both to view the status of
each output, which stations are on and which are off, and to manually
turn stations on or off. A station that a program started is under
automatic control and cannot be turned-off here. The sum of the
Actual Flow and Theoretical Flow (Expected Flow from Zone Data)
for the selected stations are shown at the bottom. The Station
Description and Type Description (also from Zone Data) are shown,
at the top of the window, for the last station selected. In the example
picture, the Actual Flow is absent because this field unit does not have
a flow meter to measure it. The picture illustrates three different
possible indications of a station’s status. Station 26 was started by an
automatic program. This is indicated by the black colored number.
Stations 1 and 24 were started manually from this screen. This is
indicated by the white colored numbers. To turn-on a station this way,
enter the run time in the column at the right side of the screen next to
the station number, then click the Send command to start it. Station
48, indicated by the blue colored number, controls a pump under automatic program.
Click Receive on the Master Control Panel to quickly receive the status of each station from the field unit. Icons of stations
running under manual control will blink yellow. Those started by an automatic program will blink green. The yellow-blinking
icons will stop blinking when the remaining runtime has expired. However, the green-blinking icons will continue to blink until
data is received from the field controller again to verify a changed state of the stations under automatic control.
There are two ways to manually turn on or off stations from the central computer. From the Master Control Panel, you can
double click any of the icons to activate or deactivate the stations. Clicking the Send button will open the Output Status
window which verifies the selected states and allows you to set the time remaining (in minutes) for each station before
sending the data. Stations will not turn on manually in the field unit until you click Send in the Output Status window.
Another procedure is to check the box next to the station numbers in the Output Status window to set on or off state.
Runtime can be set at the right side of the utility window. Send must be clicked before the states will change in the field unit.
After the Program Status is received from a field unit, the screen
can indicate which programs are running, which slot is currently
executing within each running program, which stations are
assigned to the executing slots, the remaining run time for these
slots, repeats and starts remaining for the running programs, rain
days remaining if a program is shut down, and whether the
program is running within it’s assigned watering window.
In the example, the unit code background turned yellow after the
Receive command was executed, indicating that one or more
programs was shut down for one or more rain days (just as it
would turn red to indicate an alarm). The yellow box under the
Rain Days column indicates that Cluster D, Program 1 (D 1) is
the only program shut down for 1 day. It also indicates that
Cluster B, Program 1 (B 1) is running slot 3, which is assigned station 3 and has 1 minute of run time remaining and 1
repeat remaining. Also, Cluster C, Program 1 (C 1) has 11 minutes of run time remaining on slot 17, which is running station
17. Both programs are running within their assigned Water Window.
Program Status
Sending Manual Output State
Receiving Output Status
8 - 18
Toro Sentinel Central Software Users Guide