Owner's Manual

Next, click the Show Expected button to display the total of the run
times programmed for each day of the current week. As shown in the
picture, the total times for completed programs before the day change
time are shown with a peach background. If a program runs past the day
change time, that portion listed on the following day will have a light
magenta background indicating the overlap. If a program is set on
continuous run with a Water Window starting before and ending after the
day change time, it is displayed as overlapping every day. If overlap from
a previous day is added to run time scheduled for a given day, the
background will be light blue.
To display a report of run times that actually occurred from the field unit,
click the Receive command. Since all the data received is actual, it will
appear with a white background.
On the right side of the screen, the Base Run is the total length of one
cycle of the program, accounting for repeats. The Total Run is multiplied
by the number of starts. Next Day lists that portion of run time remaining after the day change time, which continues to run
into the next day.
After both expected run times and the report received from the field unit have been displayed, you can click the Compare vs.
Expected button to compare them. Now you can quickly see if programs actually ran longer than expected, less than
expected, or not at all. A green background indicates no difference in the programmed time and actual time of a program for a
day. Yellow means a program ran for less time than expected. If it did not run at all, it is labeled OFF for that day. This could
be due to rain shutdown or a manual stop at the field unit or from the Program Status screen. If the actual run was longer
than the time programmed, the background is red. Such cases may occur if a program was manually started at the field unit,
or if a program was shortened in the central computer without transmitting the change to the field unit which continues to run
the previously stored longer time program. For this reason, receiving the programs is recommended before viewing the
As with any window with a Print button, clicking this button sends an image of the window to your default printer.
NOTE: In order to utilize the Water Consumption Report feature, a
functional flow meter must be connected to the field unit. In addition, the
Data Retrieval Installed? option box must be checked in the Special
Data window.
Clicking the Water Consumption button displays the Water
Consumption Report which shows the total number of gallons
consumed each day of the current week, as well as the total gallons
consumed by the field unit each month of the previous year and each
month of the current year. All of the data is stored in the field unit, so no
save command is needed, but you must click the Receive command to
retrieve it.
Clicking any month at the left of the screen immediately calculates the
statistics shown under Quick Stats. These includes Year to Date totals in gallons consumed thus far from the beginning of
the year to the month selected. Last Year to Date gives the total for the same month of the previous year for comparison.
Percent of last year is a direct comparison of these two values. Month to date gives the total consumption for the month
selected or consumption so far if the current month is selected. This month, last year is the corresponding value for the
previous year for the selected month. Percent of this month, last year compares last year’s data to the present year’s data.
Click Graph Monthly Consumption to display a bar graph. The graph has blue bars for each month of the previous year,
and green bars for each month so far this year. The height of the bars represents the total water consumption in gallons for
each month. You can print the graph with your default printer.
Water Consumption Report
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Toro Sentinel Central Software Users Guide