Owner's Manual

The Sentinel Hand-held Radio Interface (HHRI) can be used to access the Sentinel satellite field unit. With the Sentinel
HHRI, you are able to turn on and off individual stations or clusters of programs. During HHRI operation, the satellite is
placed in one of two modes: Normal mode and Secure mode. All field units under Normal mode will react to the transmitted
commands sent by the HHRI, regardless of the field unit number. Under Secure mode, the HHRI transmits the command to a
specific field unit number. Only that specific unit will react to the commands.
Normal Mode - To set a field satellite unit for Normal mode operation, send ##CCC# command where CCC is the unit code.
Press the hand-held radio PTT button (Push To Talk) to transmit the command. Send ## to exit Normal mode operation. The
field unit displays A while in Normal mode. Transmitted Normal mode commands will be received by all field units placed in
the Normal mode.
Command Operation
nn Station nn (where nn is the specified station) will irrigate for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, the station will stop irrigating and the satellite awaits
for the next command.
nn h tt Station nn will irrigate until the specified hour (h) and minutes (tt)
expire. As an example, entering 12 1 30 will energize station 12 for 1
hour and
30 minutes.
nn nn nn Use this command to turn-on multiple units for 30 minutes.
The desired Satellite stations are listed in series (nn nn nn).
As an example, entering 12 13 14 will energize station 12—14
3 Sending the 3 command will step-up, increment, the currently operating
station. As an example, if station 16 is currently in operation and the 3
command is transmitted, station 16 will stop and station 17 will initiate
1 Sending the 1 command will step-down, decrement, the currently
operating station. As an example, if station 16 is currently in operation
and the 1 command is transmitted, station 16 will stop and station 15
will initiate operation.
* Send the * command to turn-off the last station that was turned on.
If station 16 was the last station energized and * command was
transmitted, station 16 will stop operation.
nn* Send a nn* command to turn-off individual stations. As an example,
to turn-off station 16 from a series of irrigating stations, send
a 16* command.
** To turn-off multiple stations that are in operation within the same unit,
send a ** command. As an example, the satellite unit has
stations 12–14 in operation. To turn-off all stations with one command,
send a ** command.
nn dd* Use this command to place a station in Rain OFF for a specified
number of days. Entering 16 05* command will disable
station 16 (nn) of from all Sentinel Satellite unit for 5 (dd) days.
Command Operation
00 h tt If running a sequence of stations, use this command to set the
run time duration. As an example, sending 00 1 30 command instructs
the satellite unit to run a sequence for 1 hour and
30 minutes.
nn# Send this command to start irrigation for all station in sequence,
where nn is the first station to irrigate.
3# Sending this command will step from the currently operating station to
the next higher station number. As an example, if station 16 is currently
in operation and the 3# command is transmitted,
station 16 will stop and station 17 will initiate operation.
Sequence Related Commands Under Normal Mode
APPENDIX A: Hand-Held Radio Operation and Commands
A- 36
Toro Sentinel Central Software Users Guide
Turn on a station for
30 minutes.
Turn on a station for a
specified amount of time.
Turn on multiple stations.
Increment operation to the
next station.
Decrement operation to the
next station.
Turn off the last station
Turn off a specific station.
Turn off all stations in
operation within the same
satellite unit.
Place a station in Rain OFF.
Set sequence time.
Start sequence operation.
Increment sequence.