System Guide

2. Choose Unit List Sort Order by Unit Code number or Unit Description.
3. Choose the Allow multiple unit nodes to be expanded option to enable
the database tree to be expanded /collapsed when selecting a field unit.
Note: Skip the Watcher setup options at this time. Refer to “Chapter 8 -
Sentinel Watcher Operationsfor detailed information.
4. English is the default screen Language. Use the drop-down menu to
select French, Italian, Spanish or Chinese as preferred.
Note: Sentinel WMS program must be restarted to initiate a change in the
language format.
5. Selecting Hide Information Panel on Startup prompts the Information Panel
to be hidden when launchig the WMS program.
The Database Tab
Note: Refer to page 3 for Database setup information.
The View
The options provided on the View tab enable you to customize your workspace
by changing the color(s) and/or graphic image.
1. To change the workspace Background Image from the default Toro Logo,
browse to the file (.jpg or .bmp) location and choose open.
Note: The image file must be stored in the folder specified on software
setup. General tab - Map / Image file location.
2. To change the background color(s), choose the Color From or Color To
color box. The color-selection utility window will open automatically.
Note: Color From and Color To indicates the color gradation from top left
to botom right. If the selected image fills the entire workspace, the
background color will not be visible.
3. Choose a color swatch or the Define Custom Colors button to display
and select from the advanced color-selection options.
4. Choose OK to close the window. The selected color will be shown in the
color box. Choose Save to display the changes.
The Units Tab
The options provided on the Units tab determine which measurement system
the Sentinel WMS software will use as a basis to calculate and display
measured or calculated data.
1. Choose the English or Metric Units System and Flow Units in GPM, LPM
or M
Note: Ensure the preferred units options are selected before performing
any satellite setup or programming procedures.