System Guide

6 – Program Slots
One of the most unique and powerful programming features of the Sentinel
WMS software is the method used to organize and control satellite station
outputs within each irrigation program. This method is referred to as
“Program Slots.”
Program Slots are organized in a sequential matrix, defined by 4 rows of 12
Slots, for a total of 48 slot positions. The program cycle operating sequence
begins at the first Slot in row 1, and ends at the last Slot in row 4.
The station number is assigned to a slot and assigned a run time duration
ranging from 0 to 255 minutes. Station numbers range from 0 (inactive) to 96.
Stations can be assigned to slots in any order and as many times as preferred.
If more than 48 Slots are required; i.e., for a 96-station satellite, an additional
program must be used to assign the remaining 48 stations.
When an irrigation program is running, any slot with 0 (or blank) run time is
ignored. A slot with an assigned run time duration ≥1 minute, but without a
station assignment, will create a pause in the watering cycle for the assigned
In the example below, the program cycle will run stations 1, 2 ,3 and 8 in
sequence for their allotted run time. The cycle will pause for 20 minutes (at
slot 5), then continue running stations 9–12 in sequence.
Note: A key to using the Slots programming method, is to remember that the
number next to each slot is the assigned
Station number, not the slot number.
The Slots Toolbar
The Slots toolbar works exclusively with the program slots matrix by
providing the tools commonly used during the slot editing procedure. In
addition to editing support tools, manual irrigation can be controlled with the
Start Now and Stop No
Editing Program Slots
Program Slot editing can be accomplished by simply highlighting a slot
placeholder, assigning a station number and a run time duration, then
applying and saving the data. However, in most cases the Slot Editor will also
be utilized to perform various other editing tasks.
The Slot Editor links directly to the satellite database, enabling resident and
new station setup parameters to be reviewed and updated. All changes applied
in the Slot Editor will be reflected in the Zone Data window and all other
database-linked windows. The Slot Editor also provides multiple-slot editing,
similar the the Multi-Station Editor tool provided in the Zone Data window.
Editing Single Slots
1. Select a slot by highlighting its placeholder (0) or the currently assigned
station number.
2. Choose the Slot Editor button to open the Slot Editor window.
3. Choose Hide/Show Station Information button to display all station data.
4. Assign a Station number to the slot being edited (highlighted in orange),
using the text box scroll arrows or by keyboard entry.
5. All currently saved station data will be shown. Enter or edit data as
preferred. (Edits made within the Slot Editor will overwrite the information
in the Zone Data window.)
Note: All stations being edited require a precipitation and flo
w rate value.
The slot editor allows run time to be entered per Cycle, Start or Program,
mode and dynamically adjusts Precipitation and Flow rates accordingly.
6. Choose Apply Changes and Save.
Slots 1–12
Slots 13–24
Slots 25–36
Slots 37–48