Instruction Manual

will automatically exit the programming mode and return to
bypass operation.) What follows is a step by step guide to
navigating in the programming mode, followed by a detailed
description of each option.
A. Load Shed. The backup LED will light indicating the UPS is now
ready to make changes to the load-shed settings (see “The Load
Shed Function”, page 15 for an explanation of load shedding).
To accept this option press and hold the Function control button.
A.1 The UPS comes from the factory set so the load shed
receptacles function for the full battery backup time. The
LEDs on the right side of the display will light to indicate the
current setting for the load-shed level. For example, since
the default factory setting is for no load shed, the first time
the option is accessed no LEDs will be lit. Pressing the
button once will cause the 20% LED to light. This would
indicate that the load shed receptacles should be turned off
when there is 20% battery power remaining. Pressing the
Function Control button successive times will increase the
load shed level in 20% increments.