
ConnecUnga VCRand antenna, CableTV orCamcorder
TV backpanel
FromCable TVor FromCableTV
antenna Cablebox
StereoVCR _
You will need:
coaxial cables
- standardA/V cables
If you have a mono VCR, connect L/MONO
on the TV to your VCR's audio out terminal
using the white audio cable only.
® standardaudio cables(If you have a mono VCR)
Note: When you use a Cable box, you may not
be able to use the remote control to program or
access certain features on the TV
To view tile antenna or Cable signah
Select the ANT/CABLE video input source on the TV.*
To view basic and premium Cable channels:
Turn OFF the VCR. Select the ANT/CABLE video
input source oll the TV.* Tune the TV to channel 3 or
4 (whichever channel the Cable box output is set to).
Use the Cable box controls to change channels.
To view the VCR:
Turn ON the VCR. Select the VIDEO video input
source on the TV.*
To view the camcorder video:
Select the VIDEO video input source on the TV.*
,+ To select the video input source, press iNPUT on the
remote control (_ page 21 ).
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