
No te:
o You must configure the ANT/CABLE input source
before programming channels (_, page 24).
o Theautomaticchannelprogrammingprocess
will erase channels that were previously
programmed into the TV's memory.
To tune the TV to a channel not programmed in
the channel memory, you must use the Channel
Number buttons on the remote control.
o Programming channels when the ANT/
CABLE input is configured for Cable will take
substantially longer than when the antenna
input is configured for Antenna This is
normal; however, once channel programming
is finished, you should not have to repeat the
programming process again unless your Cable
TV service lineup changes significantly.
To program channels automatically:
1 Configure the antenna input source, if you have
not already done so (_:_vpage 24).
MENUPress O and open the Setup menu.
3 Highlight Installation and press @.
The TV will automatically cycle through all the
antenna channels, and store all active channels
in the channel memory. While the TV is cycling
through the channels, the message "Scanning
channels, please wait" appears (as shown above).
To cancel channel programming, press 0 on
the remote control (or highlight Cancelin the on-
screen display and press 9).
When channel programming is finished, press [-_
or _ to view the programmed channels.
Setting channelskip
To prevent certain channels from being viewed,
channel positions can be skipped.
1 From the Setup menu, highlight Installation and
press 9.
Press A or Y to select Channel Options and press
9. The list of channels will appear.
4 (A new set of JnstaJJalion menu icons will appear,
as shown below.) Open the Terrestrialmenu,
highlight Channel Programto bring up the Start
Scan, and press @ again to begin channel
3 Press A or Y to select a channel position to be
skipped and press 9. A tick will appear in the
box.To remove the tick, press @ again.
To add a channel to the channel memory:
Highlight the checked box next to the channel number
you want to add, and then press @ to remove the tick.
To manually add digital subchannels on a
physical channel:
Use the Channel Numbers and the Dash (_) on
the remote control to enter the channel number (for
example, 56-1 ).
[f the channel is found, the number will be added to
the list and the box will be unchecked.
[f the channel is not found, a message will appear.
Note: Skipped channels cannot be selected
with _ or_j; however, they can still be
accessed using the number keys on the remote